A total of 1566 injections were performed involving 522 knees. Patients were divided into two groups; one consisting of 277 patients who purchased Orthovisc® and a second consisting of 245 patients who purchased Synvisc®. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) assessed pain. The senior author performed all injections and sterile injection protocol was strictly adhered to. Knees were injected at weekly intervals for 3 weeks. Patients were assessed at baseline, 1, 2, 3 &
4 weeks and 3, 6 &
12 months following initial visit.
Summary and background data: It appears that the inflammation produced by the herniated fragment is at least partially related to the sciatic pain. TNFα was found to be expressed by herniated nucleus polposus of rats and exogenous TNFα applied in vivo to rat nerve root produced neuropathologic changes and behavior deficit that mimicked experimental studies with herniated nucleus polposus (HNP) applied to nerve roots. Nitric oxide was shown to be involved in the mechanism that produce mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia in rats. Nitric oxide synthesis can be induced by different cytokines among them TNFα and is mediated by the enzyme Nitric oxide synthase. The current study was performed in order to evaluate the possible mechanism of action of TNFα in human herniated discs and define the relationship between nitric oxide and TNFα production by human discs.
Vertebral fracture due to a metabolic bone disease or a neoplastic disease is a common and debilitating condition. It most often is associated with either osteoporosis or metastatic bone disease. Some of the patients suffering from such fractures continue to complain of back pain and deformity despite optimal medical therapy, including radiotherapy and biphosphonates. Vertebroplasty, i.e. transcutaneous injection of bone cement into the vertebral body can serve as an internal fixation device and allows restoration of mechanical strength and partial restoration of the vertebral height. During the year 2000, 17 vertebrae in 12 patients were injected. These were either lumbar or thoracic vertebrae. All patients reported decrease in pain and improved ambulation capacity. Two minor complications were encountered including headache lasting for 72 hours prior to spontaneously resolving. This possibly indicates a transarachnoidal approach, the other complication has been cement leak below the posterior longitudinal ligament. The patient reported pain amelioration. No emergency surgical interventions were necessary to date. Treatment of metastatic bone disease should be staged, with only a few vertebrae injected in each session, to prevent pulmonary embolization. Vertebroplasty appears to allow excellent palliative treatment in patients suffering from unresectable primary tumors of the vertebrae, or more commonly, metastatic bone tumors as well as osteoporotic fractures.