The purpose of the study was to investigate the incidence of surgical site infection following elective paediatric
The aim of our survey was to study the current practice to manage DDH in UK by the members of the British Society for Children's
Most children with spastic hemiplegia have high levels of function and independence but fixed deformities and gait abnormalities are common. The classification proposed by Winters et al is widely used to interpret hemiplegic gait patterns and plan intervention. However, this classification is based on sagittal kinematics and fails to consider important abnormalities in the transverse plane. Using three-dimensional gait analysis, we studied the incidence of transverse-plane deformity and gait abnormality in 17 children with group IV hemiplegia according to Winters et al before and after multilevel
Aim. The use of intraoperative cell salvage as a tool for reducing allogenic transfusion has been demonstrated in pelvic osteotomies. The aims of this audit were to identify any problems or complications with cell salvage, reduction in allogenic transfusion and identify procedures that would benefit. Methods. The use of cell salvage and allogenic transfusions were prospectively recorded over a 27-month period for all those who had major non spinal surgery looking at whether cell-salvage reduced allogenic transfusions and where cell salvage was used it was matched to procedure, diagnosis and age with cases where it was not used over the same time period. Results. Cell salvage was used in 61 cases. For these, average blood loss was 624mls and re-transfused volume 176mls (range=0-888mls). There were no complications. 4 problems occurred, 2 where suction became desterilised and 2 with insufficient sample to process. Of those that were matched, 3/55 cases required allogenic transfusion versus 11/55 that did not have cell salvage (p=0.03). Sub group analysis according to procedure did not reach significance. Excluding those with osteogenesis imperfecta, no isolated femoral osteotomy required allogenic transfusion (total number=48). Conclusion. Overall its use has reduced the number of children receiving allogenic blood and negates the need to cross match preoperatively. Group and save sample is probably sufficient for most major paediatric
The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology and treatment of Perthes’ disease of the hip.
This was an anonymized comprehensive cohort study of Perthes’ disease, with a nested consented cohort. A total of 143 of 144 hospitals treating children’s hip disease in the UK participated over an 18-month period. Cases were cross-checked using a secondary independent reporting network of trainee surgeons to minimize those missing. Clinician-reported outcomes were collected until two years. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were collected for a subset of participants.
The aim was to assess contemporary management of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) by surveying members of the British Society of Children's
The aim of this study was to inform the epidemiology and treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).
This was an anonymized comprehensive cohort study, with a nested consented cohort, following the the Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment, Long-term study (IDEAL) framework. A total of 143 of 144 hospitals treating SCFE in Great Britain participated over an 18-month period. Patients were cross-checked against national administrative data and potential missing patients were identified. Clinician-reported outcomes were collected until two years. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were collected for a subset of participants.
Purpose of the study
To determine the consistency with which specialist orthopaedic surgeons rate the importance of criteria for the diagnosis of DDH which had previously been generated in a BSCOS and EPOS multi national study.
163 members of BSCOS received a questionnaire containing 37 criteria that, in a previous study, had been found to be important for the diagnosis of DDH in infants under 8 weeks. A visual analogue scale was used to rate the importance of each criterion in the diagnosis of DDH. We determined the consistency using the intra-class correlation coefficient (values > .80 are anticipated). Analyses were preformed for all members of BSCOS and for geographic regions.
Differing reports about the surgical management of the supracondylar humeral fracture make evidence-based practice very difficult, so knowledge of the contemporary practices and opinions of an expert body can provide a useful benchmark for appraisal; the aim of this study was to obtain this information.
An electronic 18 item, single response multiple-choice questionnaire was designed to investigate various aspects of the surgical management of supracondylar fractures, with particular focus on areas that remain controversial in the literature. Members of BSCOS were invited by email, on three occasions, to complete the questionnaire, which was posted on the web-based SurveyMonkey™ platform (
Aims. A national screening programme has existed in the UK for the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) since 1969. However, every aspect of screening and treatment remains controversial. Screening programmes throughout the world vary enormously, and in the UK there is significant variation in screening practice and treatment pathways. We report the results of an attempt by the British Society for Children’s
Aims. The aim of this study was to gain a consensus for best practice of the assessment and management of children with idiopathic toe walking (ITW) in order to provide a benchmark for practitioners and guide the best consistent care. Methods. An established Delphi approach with predetermined steps and degree of agreement based on a standardized protocol was used to determine consensus. The steering group members and Delphi survey participants included members from the British Society of Children’s
Aims. The management of fractures of the medial epicondyle is one of the greatest controversies in paediatric fracture care, with uncertainty concerning the need for surgery. The British Society of Children’s
Aims. The aim of this study was to determine the consensus best practice approach for the investigation and management of children (aged 0 to 15 years) in the UK with musculoskeletal infection (including septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, pyomyositis, tenosynovitis, fasciitis, and discitis). This consensus can then be used to ensure consistent, safe care for children in UK hospitals and those elsewhere with similar healthcare systems. Methods. A Delphi approach was used to determine consensus in three core aspects of care: 1) assessment, investigation, and diagnosis; 2) treatment; and 3) service, pathways, and networks. A steering group of paediatric orthopaedic surgeons created statements which were then evaluated through a two-round Delphi survey sent to all members of the British Society for Children’s
Aims. The aim of this study was to gain an agreement on the management of idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) up to walking age in order to provide a benchmark for practitioners and guide consistent, high-quality care for children with CTEV. Methods. The consensus process followed an established Delphi approach with a predetermined degree of agreement. The process included the following steps: establishing a steering group; steering group meetings, generating statements, and checking them against the literature; a two-round Delphi survey; and final consensus meeting. The steering group members and Delphi survey participants were all British Society of Children’s
Aims. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is one of the most common hip diseases of adolescence that can cause marked disability, yet there is little robust evidence to guide treatment. Fundamental aspects of the disease, such as frequency, are unknown and consequently the desire of clinicians to undertake robust intervention studies is somewhat prohibited by a lack of fundamental knowledge. Methods. The study is an anonymized nationwide comprehensive cohort study with nested consented within the mechanism of the British
Aims. Perthes’ disease is a condition which leads to necrosis of the femoral head. It is most commonly reported in children aged four to nine years, with recent statistics suggesting it affects around five per 100,000 children in the UK. Current treatment for the condition aims to maintain the best possible environment for the disease process to run its natural course. Management typically includes physiotherapy with or without surgical intervention. Physiotherapy intervention often will include strengthening/stretching programmes, exercise/activity advice, and, in some centres, will include intervention, such as hydrotherapy. There is significant variation in care with no consensus on which treatment option is best. The importance of work in this area has been demonstrated by the British Society for Children’s
Aims. High-quality clinical research in children’s orthopaedic surgery
has lagged behind other surgical subspecialties. This study used
a consensus-based approach to identify research priorities for clinical
trials in children’s orthopaedics. Methods. A modified Delphi technique was used, which involved an initial
scoping survey, a two-round Delphi process and an expert panel formed
of members of the British Society of Children’s
A goal attainment scale (GAS) was used to evaluate outcomes of surgical and non-surgical interventions to improve gait in children with diplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Personal goals were recorded pre-intervention from children and/or their carers attending the Edinburgh Gait Laboratory since 2012. Twenty children underwent
Identification of the paediatric orthopaedic patient at high risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) can allow a targeted approach to thromboprophylaxis. There is currently no national consensus on the correct method of risk assessment in this patient group. The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital has developed a guideline using the evidence available to allow stratification of risk for the paediatric orthopaedic patient. A list of departments offering specialist paediatric
This study aimed to determine the major diagnoses and needs of children in Rwanda with musculoskeletal conditions to enable the Rwandan government to begin to plan orthopaedic and rehabilitation services. BACKGROUND. When faced with developing orthopaedic services for children in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is little objective evidence-based data on the magnitude and type of services needed. Rwanda is a small country that is in the process of developing orthopaedic and rehabilitation services, and its Ministry of Health supported a survey that would provide information necessary for planning such services. METHODS. A national survey of musculoskeletal impairment (MSI) prevalence was undertaken. Of a population of 8.4 million, 8368 people were enumerated. Four thousand one hundred thirty-four were aged 16 years or less. Cases who failed a screening test for MSI were examined, allocated a diagnostic category, and assessed as to treatment needed. RESULTS. Of 4134 people aged 16 years or less who were enumerated, 3526 (85%) were screened and 91 had MSI, giving a prevalence of MSI among children of 2.58% (95% confidence interval; 2.06-3.10). Twenty-three percent of MSIs were a result of congenital deformity, 14% neurologic conditions, 12% trauma, 3% infection, and 46% other acquired pathology. Of the MSIs, 56.7% were mild, 37.8% moderate, and 5.6% severe. Extrapolated treatment needs suggest that 2% of Rwandan children (approximately 80,000) need orthopaedic physical therapy, 1.2% (50,000) need