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1. There seem to be two distinct methods of destruction of the foot, once pain sensibility has been lost: the first is a slow erosion and shortening associated with perforating ulcers under the distal weight-bearing end of the foot. The second is a proximal disintegration of the tarsus in which mechanical forces often determine onset and progress of the condition.

2. Once the tarsus begins to disintegrate it is difficult to halt the rapid destruction of the foot.

3. It is possible to detect early stages of this condition in time to take preventive measures. Routine palpation of anaesthetic feet will reveal patches of warmth localised to bones and joints which are in a condition of strain. Radiographs of such feet and a study of posture and gait may define early changes which point to one of several possible patterns of disintegration which may follow.

4. These patterns are described and discussed and suggestions made for preventive and corrective measures.

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