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Purpose: The growing use of foot surgery includes many innovating techniques which require adequate evaluation. To facilitate evaluation, the Association Française de Chirurgie du Pied (AFCP) elaborated a computer program for acquisition of clinical and radiological data on foot surgery. The data collected were centralised and analysed to assess surgical procedures.

Material and methods: Clinically. Signs of forefoot disorders were reviewed and classed by surgeons with extensive experience in forefoot surgery. Signs were classed by topic then formulated for the computer display to facilitate input during consultations. A system of profiles was designed to limit the data input filed and shorten input time. The program includes an automatic calculation of the Kitaoka forefoot score.

Radiologically: The system includes a tool for analysing radiographs using a vectorial drawing software integrated in the database. This system uses remarkable landmarks chosen by clicking on the radiographs: angles and lengths for preoperative planning are calculated automatically. These values are automatically integrated into the database and can be retrieved for file studies.

Operation report: Procedures performed on the forefoot are presented in picture form with clinical data. A profiles system is used to choose the items for input and reduce entry time.

Printout: Printouts can be made to include in the patient’s files.

Exploitation: Data can be exported for processing with another programme. This function was tested with a dissertation written on Weil osteotomies.

Conclusion: This freely distributed software is a first step toward a computer evaluation system for foot surgery. Our hope is that sufficient data can be collected to validate the reliability of our surgical techniques.

The abstracts were prepared by Pr. Jean-Pierre Courpied (General Secretary). Correspondence should be addressed to him at SOFCOT, 56 rue Boissonade, 75014 Paris, France