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A review of scientific literature on whiplash associated disorders was conducted to inform appropriate messages for an evidenced based patient educational booklet, “The Whiplash Book.” The booklet is being developed for use as both a clinical tool and general health intervention.

A systematic literature search was conducted, using MEDLINE and psychINFO, together with hand searches, reference tracking, and the Internet. The Quebec Task Force report and the British Columbia Whiplash Initiative were taken as the starting point. The new evidence covered the period May 1994 through March 2001 (147 articles). All relevant articles were included, with a particular focus on management and treatment of whiplash associated disorders. The quantity, consistency and relevance of all retrieved articles was evaluated, and rated as *** for consistent findings in multiple reports, ** for consensus based on balance of various findings, or * for limited information (single report).

The main messages from the literature suggest: physical serious injury is rare, reassurance about good prognosis is important, over-medication is detrimental, fastest recovery occurs with early return to normal pre-accident activities, self-exercise/manual therapy and positive attitudes/beliefs are helpful to regain activities levels, collars/rest and negative attitudes/beliefs delay recovery and contribute to chronicity.

The abstracts were prepared by Dr C Pither. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN