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Intervertebral disc cells exsist in a precarious nutritional environment. Local concentrations depend on both nutritional supply and demand. Little is known about the metabolism of disc cells; existing data focuses on intact tissue, where the local metabolic environment is unknown. We have thus developed a closed chamber to study the metabolism of isolated cells under controlled conditions.

Bovine disc cells were isolated from coccygeal discs and transferred to the sealed chamber, in which embedded electrodes measured pH, pO2 and glucose concentration, and a port allowed sampling and addition of metabolic reagents. Metabolic rates were assessed from concentration changes. Cell viability was assessed and intracellular ATP measured at completion of each experiment.

Under standard conditions, metabolic rates were similar to those measured in tissue, with a glucose:lactic acid ratio of approximately one to two. We have also examined the effect of extracellular pH on nucleus pulposus cell metabolism. Between pH 7.4–6.8, metabolism is insensitive to extracellular pH, and lactic acid production agrees with the literature 1, 2. Below pH 6.8, lactic acid production fell linearly with decreased pH. At pH 6.4, lactic acid production had fallen by 60%, and intracellular ATP by 80%.

These results show a fall in lactic acid production with extracellular acidification, which in vivo arises mainly from lactic acid produced by the cells. This may be protective. However the decrease in metabolism, and hence loss of ATP, may have a detrimental effect on the cells. There is thus a complex interplay between different components of the nutritional environment. Investigating these in combination should give valuable information about disc cell metabolism, as changes in cells metabolism can affect nutrient availability and hence cellular activity and viability.

The abstracts were prepared by Dr C Pither. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN


1 Holm, S et al. 1981. Nutrition of the intervertebral disc: Solute transport and metabolism. Conn Tiss Res, 8: 101–119. Google Scholar

2 Ishihara, H and Urban, JPG. Effects of low oxygen concentrations and metabolic inhibitors on proteoglycan and protein synthesis rates in the intervertebral disc. J Orthop Res, 17: 829–835 Google Scholar