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Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem in rowers of all levels. Few studies have looked at the relationship between rowing technique, the forces generated during the rowing stroke and the kinematics of spinal motion. Of particular concern with respect to spinal injury and damage are the effects of fatigue during long rowing sessions.

A technique has been developed using an electromagnetic motion system and strain gauge instrumented load cell to measure spinal and pelvic motion and force generated at the oar during rowing on an exercise rowing ergometer. Using this technique 13 elite national and international oarsmen (mean age 22.43 ± 0.02 years) from local top squad rowing teams were investigated. The test protocol comprised of a one hour rowing piece. During this session rowing stroke profiles were quantified in terms of lumbopelvic kinematics and stroke force profiles. These profiles were sampled at the start of the session and quarterly intervals during the hour piece.

From this data we were able to quantify the motion of the lumbar spine and pelvis during rowing and relate this to the stroke force profile. The stroke profiles over the one hour piece were then compared to examine the effects of fatigue. This revealed marked changes and increases in the amount of spinal motion during the hour piece suggesting that to maintain stroke force profiles athletes were utilising greater ranges of spinal motion. The relevance of this with regard to low back pain however, requires further investigation.

The abstracts were prepared by Dr C Pither. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN