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A 18-year-old woman patient suffering from JCA was operated on non-dominant left shoulder joint destruction. The dysplasia of the affected side was clearly recognisable on the X-ray befor the operation as compared to the other side. The smallest of the prothesis typs (De Puy Global, Biomet Modular) couldn’t be implanted. So we have used an other method.

We have achived good results for years by using Tuto-plast‚ Dura mater (Tutogen Medical GmbH) in operating interposition elbow arthtroplasty of RA patients. This was the basic idea in this case to apply shouldes joint interposition arthroplasty. There have been previous publications on other interposition tecniques.

Operations technique:

Traditionally we approached the shoulder in deltopectoral sulcus. After the subscapular muscle tenotomy subtotal synovectomy happened, later pannus and osteophyts were removed from the humeral head. Then the surface of the head was refreshened, then arronund the anatomic neck titanium screws ( ORFI-II‚ anchor, Technomed) were placed and Tutoplast placed on the head was anchored to them.

There are no shouldes pains 4 years after the operations, no radiologcal progression can be experienced. The range of motion is under the mesured value of the RA group of patient having shoulder prothesis. Despice of this fact the patient is able to look after herself and do the daily routine. The patient is fully satisfied with the operation.


Althaugh important conclusion can’t be drawn from one case but sometimes it gives a good alternativ solution in the area of prothetics in shoulder dysplasy of different origins.

Address for correspondence:Miklos Schäfer M. D., Polyclinic of the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God, Orthopaedic Department. Frankel Leò u. 17-19. Budapest, Hungary Tel: 36-1-43-88-400, E-mail: