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The vertical configuration open MRI Scanner (Signa SPIO, General Electric) has been used to assess the place of interventional MR in the management of developmental dysplasia of the hip over the last four years. Twenty-six patients have been studied. In static mode, coronal and axial T1 – weighted spin echo images are initially obtained to assess the anatomy of the hip, followed by dynamic imaging in near-real time.

In all cases, dynamic imaging was very good for assessing and demonstrating stability. The best position for containment can be assessed and a hip spica applied. Scanning in two planes gives more information and allows more accurate positioning than an arthrogram. Confirmation of location of the hip after application of the spica can be easily demonstrated. Adductor tenotomies have been performed within the imaging volume, and in two cases, this enabled planning of femoral osteotomies. All patients have had a satisfactory outcome, but five have required open reduction and a Salter innominate osteotomy.

In ten cases, the opportunity has also arisen to alternative perform an arthrogram, either because of the complexity of the cases, or at a later date as an alternative to a repeat MRI, or because of difficulty with access to the machine.

The place of interventional MRI in DDH is not yet defined. As machines get better and the definition improves, the amount of information about the nature of dislocation, the relative size of the acetabulum to the femoral head, the state of the limbus, the best position for containment and stability, and the potential for growth of the acetabulum, particularly posteriorly will be increased.

It follows that the potential for more accurate definition of each hip and the outcome is better – and safer – than by arthrography, which remains the ‘gold standard’ but involves radiation and is only one-dimensional.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Simon Donell. Correspondence should be addressed to him at the Department of Orthopaedics, Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, Level 4, Centre Block, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY, United Kingdom