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An initial report from an acute back pain screening clinic, the first of its kind in Ireland, run by two Chartered Physiotherapists under the supervision of a Consultant Spinal Surgeon. Patients are referred directly from their Primary Care Practitioners and the A& E Department. The objectives of the clinic are to fast track patients with spinal pathology requiring specialist treatment, identify patients requiring other treatments/ interventions and ultimately to attempt to prevent the development of the chronic back pain syndrome. Since March 2001, approximately 800 patients with acute low back pain of duration greater than 6 weeks and less than 1 year have been seen at this clinic. 30% were referred for formal physiotherapy, 11% to the orthopaedic spinal clinic, 1% to the specialist pain clinic and 30% were discharged following simple advice and education.

Study Objective: To assess patient and General Practitioner satisfaction with this service.

Design: A validated patient satisfaction questionnaire for back pain was administered to 100 consecutive patients who had attended the clinic at least 6 months previously. 70 General Practitioners who had utilised the service were asked to complete a further questionnaire.

Results: The response rate was 73% from the patients and 66% from GP’s. Patients reported satisfaction with the treatment, advice and information received at the clinic but felt more investigations were warranted. GP’s were pleased with the accessibility of the service but expressed reservations about the quality of correspondence from the clinic.

Conclusions: The back pain screening clinic represents an important development in the services available for those with acute low back pain as demonstrated by the satisfaction of both those referring to and attending the clinic.

The abstracts were prepared by Mr Ray Moran. Correspondence should be addressed to him at Irish Orthopaedic Associaton, Secretariat, c/o Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Finglas, Dublin 11.