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This study aimed to quantify the relationship between passive tension of rotator cuff repair and arm position intraoperatively and to examine the effect of the passive tension on gap formation in cadaveric rotator cuff repairs.

Five patients undergoing open surgical reconstruction of the rotator cuff were recruited. The operations were performed by a single surgeon using a standardised technique, which was acromioplasty, minimal debridement, mobilisation of tissue, bone troughs and transosseous suture tunnels.

A Differential Variable Reluctance Transducer (DVRT) was placed at the apex of the debrided tendon. An in situ calibration was performed to relate the output from the DVRT to actual tension in the tendon. The tension generated was recorded as the supraspinatus tendon was advanced into a bone trough and secured.

The relationship between arm position and repair tension was measured, by simultaneously collecting data from the DVRT and a calibrated goniometer. Particular attention was paid to the three standard positions of post-operative immobilisation; full adduction with internal rotation, neutral rotation with a 30° abduction wedge and ninety degrees of abduction.

Five cadaveric shoulders were used for the creation of standardised rotator cuff tears which were then repaired using the technique described above. The difference in tension measured between full adduction and 30° abduction was statically applied for twenty four hours and the gap formation measured.

Repair tension increased with advancement of the supraspinatus tendon into the bone trough. Abduction reduced the repair load, this was observed mainly in the first 30° of abduction. The mean reduction in load by 30° of abduction was 34 N.

Twenty four hours of 34N static loading caused gap formation in each cadaveric rotator cuff repairs, the mean was 9.2 mm.

Rotator cuff repairs tension can be reduced by postoperative immobilisation in 30° abduction. The change in tension with full adduction was caused gap formation in cadaveric rotator cuff repairs.

These abstracts were prepared by Mr Cormac Kelly. Correspondence should be addressed to him c/o British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN.