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Aims: We performed a prospective randomised controlled clinical trial of a comparison of PCL excison and PCL retention whilst using a standard PCL retaining cemented PFC knee relacement in order to answer two questionsòa) is the PCL functional if retained in PCL retaining TKRs. b) does PCL excison affect the results of a standard PCL retaining knee replacement. Methods: 129 knees suitable for a standard PCL retaining cemented total knee replacement were randomised into two groups, one in which the PCL was retained in the normal way, the other group having the PCL fully resected. Both groups received a PCL retaining implant. The two groups were well matched with a predominance of females and a mean age of 67 years. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the HSS scores at an average of 57 months in the two groups. Pain relief, deformity correction, range of motion, stability and strength were comparable in the two groups. A radiological assessment revealed significant rollback in approximately 20% of cases with a slightly higher incidence in the PCL sacrificed group. There was no significant loosening detected in either of the categories at two years review. At five years one TKR in the PCL retained group has been revised due to an infection and one each in the two groups are awaiting revison surgery for loosening. Conclusions: Our findings have shown that there is no significant difference in the 5 year results of a PCL retaining total knee replacement if the PCL is excised or preserved. This suggests two significant points –a) the PCL is not functional in most patients with a total knee replacement even when retained. b) patients with excised PCLs show good results with PCL retaining implants, thereby questioning the need for posterior stabilised designs in all such cases.

Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Dr. Frantz Langlais. Correspondence should be addressed to him at EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.