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Aim: The biological activity of demineralised bone matrix (DBM) led to the discovery of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). OP-1 (BMP 7) is an osteoinductive protein and has been demonstrated to be capable of inducing new bone formation in rat subcutaneous tissue and in both orthotopic and heterotopic sites in primates. In this study we have investigated whether demineralisation and addition of osteogenic. protein 1 (OP-1) improves osteoinductive properties of allograft. Methods: A randomised controlled blind trial was performed in 16 rats. One group received two pellets of fresh frozen allograft; the other received two pellets of demineralised bone (DBM) intramuscularly. In each rat one pellet was treated with OP-1 (2mg/25mg of graft). The rats were sacriþced at 28 days and tissue þxed and processed for sectioning with haematoxylin and eosin for morphology and Alcian blue and Sirrus red for collagen types I, II. Qualitative observations were made and each specimen graded 0–5 on the degree of new bone formation and integration by two blind observers. Results & Conclusions: DBM with OP-1 yielded optimal results, being signiþcantly superior to allograft alone and allograft with OP-1. DBM alone was shown to be more effective compared to the allograft preparations. Hence we have shown that demineralization and OP-1 signiþcantly improve the osteoinductive properties of allograft

Theses abstracts were prepared by Professor Dr. Frantz Langlais. Correspondence should be addressed to him at EFORT Central Office, Freihofstrasse 22, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland.