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Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment in hip fracture patients, prior to fracture.

Materials and Methods: We interviewed and reviewed medical files of 127 patients (39 men and 88 women), with an average age of 81.25. All were admitted with a hip fracture caused by minor trauma between February and June 2004. Data was collected regarding previous fractures, DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) examination and previous drug therapy.

Results: 31 patients (24.4%) were previously diagnosed as osteoporotic. 19 patients (15%) had a DEXA examination in the past, and 17 of them were positive. 20 patients (15.7%) were treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. 11 patients (8.7%) were treated with specific antiosteoporotic drugs. 36 patients (28.3%) had a previous fracture within 10 years, including 18 hip fractures. In 19 patients information about fractures could not be obtained due to dementia. Of this 36, only 7 (19.4%) had a DEXA examination, and 14 (38.9%) were diagnosed as osteoporotic. 5 patients in this group (13.9%) were treated with an antiosteoporotic drug.

Conclusions: Investigation and treatment of osteoporosis in elderly population is insufficient. Even after suffering a fracture, most elderly people are not investigated for bone density. In patients who are diagnosed as osteoporotic, only one third are treated with specific drugs.

The abstracts were prepared by Ms Orah Naor. Correspondence should be addressed to Israel Orthopaedic Association at PO Box 7845, Haifa 31074, Israel.