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Introduction Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) has been widely used in orthopaedic procedures for fixation of joint replacements or enhancing the fixation of implants. However, the use of PMMA has been associated with cardiovascular deterioration and even death. More recently, PMMA has also been used for augmenting osteoporotic vertebral bodies which have fractured or are at risk of fracture. The main complication is PMMA leakage into adjacent structures. Transient hypotension and fatal fat embolism (FE) have also been reported.

The pathomechanism of cardiovascular deterioration after the injection of PMMA (i.e. FE) remains a highly controversial subject. The exact role of PMMA in the development of FE remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the acute effects of injecting PMMA compared with bone wax into vertebral bodies on the cardiovascular system using an established animal model for vertebroplasty (VP) (Aebli, N, et al. Spine. 2002).

Methods In 8 skeletally mature mixed-bred ewes (2–4 years) 6.0ml PMMA (CMW3-Depuy) or bone wax (Bone Wax, Ethicon) were injected unilaterally, through an open approach into the L1 & L2 pedicles. Blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output were measured.

Results The major difference between the cardiovascular response of the PMMA and that of the bone wax group was the recovery in Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PAP) and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR). Three minutes post-injection, PAP had fully recovered to baseline values in the wax group. However in the PMMA group, PAP had only recovered by 52% after 3 min and fully recovered after 10 min.

Discussion The augmentation of vertebral bodies resulted in transient cardiovascular changes regardless of the material used. However, the recovery of PAP and PVR values took significantly longer with the PMMA group. The peak response was a result of pulmonary vasoconstriction triggered by a reflex reaction to the embolisation of bone marrow particles or by vasoactive cytokines. The peak response was therefore mainly associated with the increase in intraosseous pressure during the augmentation causing release of bone marrow contents into the and not the cement monomer. The cement monomer however plays a role in the cardiovascular complications during FE. The delayed recovery of PAP and PVR in the PMMA group may be due to a vasoconstriction effect of the cement monomer on the pulmonary vascular system.

Potentially serious cardiovascular complications may occur during VP regardless of the material used. The injection of PMMA may cause prolonged pulmonary hypertension during vertebro- and also arthroplasty. Continuous invasive cardiovascular monitoring may be required in patients with impaired cardiovascular and pulmonary function

The abstracts were prepared by Professor Bruce McPhee. Correspondence should be addressed to him at Orthopaedics Division, The University of Queensland, Clinical Sciences Building, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Herston, Qld, Australia