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Introduction: Hip simulator and clinical retrieval studies have shown that metal-on-metal (MOM) hip implants commonly have biphasic wear. An initial high wear or running-in phase is generally followed by a low wear or steady-state phase. A number of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this biphasic phenomenon, including polishing of the metallic bearing surfaces and increasing conformity between the two articulating surfaces. The purpose of the present study was to compare the wear and lubrication of MOM hip implants between the running-in and steady-state periods.

Materials and Methods: A standard 28mm MetasulTM MOM bearing (Centerpulse Orthopedics, a Zimmer Company, Winterthur, Switzerland) was investigated. The wear testing was carried out using a 6-station AMTI hip simulator in the presence of 33% bovine serum and 67% Ringer solution (PH 7.2). The bearing surfaces of both the femoral and acetabular components were measured using a coordinate measurement machine at different stages of wear testing. The dimensional changes of the bearing surfaces due to wear were directly incorporated into the elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis using an in-house developed code.

Results: The initial running-in period occurred during the first 1 million cycles, and little wear was observed subsequently up to 5 millions cycles. The maximum total wear depth was measured to be around 13 μm at 1 million cycles. The predicted average lubricant film thickness between the two articulating surfaces was increased from 0.024μm at the beginning, to 0.09μm at the end of the first 1 million cycles. For a given composite surface roughness of 0.03μm often quoted for the metallic bearing surfaces, such an increase in the lubricant film thickness represents a transition from a mixed to a fluid film lubrication regime.

Discussion: A large improvement in lubrication was predicted as a direct result of the running-in wear of the bearing surfaces. This was mainly due to the increased conformity between the two articulating surfaces and the decreased diametrical clearance. It was particularly noted that the improvement in lubrication after 1 million cycles was so significant that continuous fluid film lubrication was possible, leading to extremely low wear for up to 5 million cycles, and only material fatigue and start-up and stopping for wear measurements could cause a further increase in wear.

It is possible in theory to optimise the geometry of the metallic bearing surfaces, based on the worn components, to minimise the running-in wear. However, such an improvement in lubrication cannot be readily achieved because of difficulties in surgical techniques and position of the components.

Correspondence should be addressed to Dr Carlos Wigderowitz, Honorary Secretary of BORS, Division of Surgery & Oncology, Section of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School Tort Centre, Dundee, DD1 9SY.