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Aim: 1. To assess the role of the CT scan in management of intra-articular fractures of the calcaneum. 2. Does the scan makes any difference to the management decision, obtained from assessing the plain radiograph?.

Methodology: This study involved 24 patients with intra-articular fracture of the calcaneum who had both a plain radiograph and a CT scan as a part of their assessment. Three consultants who were blinded to the actual management and names of the subjects were independently asked to grade the radiographs and CT scans, as operative or non-operative, on different occasions. The data was matched to the actual management and was subjected to statistical analysis.

Results: The data was non-parametric and related. The SIGN test was used to analyse the agreement between the three observers and if the decisions made in each of the groups were significantly different from the actual management. There was no statistically significant difference, between the management decision from the radiographs or CT and the actual management.

The change in management that the CT scan brought about was also assessed for each of the observers using the McNemars test. The CT scan did not make any significant difference to the decision made based on the plain radiographs, on whether to operate or not.

A Cochran Q test used to assess the variability of the decisions, showed that there was more inter-observer variability in decision making, using the CT based assessment (Q=9.50, p=0.009) as compared to plain radiographs (Q=3.84, p=0.14).

Conclusion: We conclude that, the CT scan should only be requested when a decision is made to operate on the fracture, based on plain radiographs. This may help with pre-operative planning of fracture fixation. It does not have to be obtained as a routine to assess all intra-articular fractures of the calcaneum.

Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Bimal Singh, BOSA at the Royal College of Surgeons, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE