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Restoration of the bone defects on the background of the purulent osteomyelitis process is one of most pressing problems in orthopedics. In the last few years the medical procedure was improved thanks to use of semi-synthetic or syntetic implantation biodegradable composite materials.

The object of the investigation is to study possibilities of use of fast-biodegradable implant LitAr (Russia) for filling infected bone defects in course of complex treating various osteomyelites forms.

The composite material LitAr (in plates) is a mixture of components: xenocollagen and hydroxoapatite. Material is intended for stimulating osteogenesis. In event of infection materials LitAr in 7-10 days is lysed by the wound and microbe ferments and cannot support purulent process. Composite material was introduced into osteomyelitis defect intraoperative through an open wound by introducing a dry substance through fistu-las as well as in form of a suspension in 0.9%-sodium chloride solution. For 13.6% of patients postoperative time period was complicated by suppuration of operative wound. It was stated in course of use of material LitAr that in spite of secondary wound suppuration active osteogenesis rate was little different from similar process for patients with wound healing by first intention. It made it possible to use material more active for patients of advanced years because it was impossible to use a radical sanitation of purulent bone cavity for these patients. Material LitAr was used for 13 patients with osteomyelitis cavities. In form of a suspension (injection-ally or through a fistular duct) in 0.9% NaCl solution material was introduced through fistulas for 8 patients with an affected shin bone. Roentgenological signs of consolidation emerged by 35-40 days. A complete ossi-fication set in by 95-120 days. Immobilization was performed by use of plaster. In far-off time periods (about 2 years) no pathologic fractures were noted. 2 patients had a relapse of fistulas formation (15.4%).

The use of implant LitAr for filling infected bone defects for stimulating osteogenesis and for restoring bone continuity in a complex treatment of various forms of osteomyelitis can be considered as an effective one including for patients because it was impossible to perform a radical sequestrectomy for these patients.

Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Carlos Wigderowitz, Senior Lecturer, University Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY.