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Introduction: It is well known that the fate of biomaterials is determined by the distribution of proteins attached to the surface from the initial contact with blood or serum. This profile determines wether a material is inert, creates a foreign body response or is bioactive. Bioinert materials, such as polyethylene completely denature surface proteins, whilst materials inducing inflammatory responses are predisposed to complement protein attachment. Bioactive materials such autologous tissue grafts adsorb, but do not denature serum proteins such as fibronectin and Von Willebrand’s factor. This does not interfere with the healing cascade. This aim of this study is to prepare a synthetic bone graft substitute that activates the body’s autologous healing cascade by activating platelets, without activating a complement response through the controlled adsorption of serum proteins.

Methods: Polymers composed of varied concentration of acrylic acid (AA) and comonomers (methyl, ethyl and butyl methacrylates (MMA, EMA, BMA)) were prepared in glass vials by free radical polymerisation. Fresh blood was collected from a healthy donor and pipetted immediately into each chamber. Glass was used as a control. The chambers were incubated at 37o C for 2 hours. The surface morphology was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Concentration of complement protein C5a and prothrombin fragments 1 and 2 were determined using commercial ELISA kits. Foreign body reaction (FBR) initiated by the biomaterial was estimated by counting leukocytes on clot sections using immunofluorescence.

Results: Extent of coagulation was correlated with plasma concentrations of Prothrombin fragments 1 and 2. These measurements show blood incubated with various polymers composed of different comonomers all promoted the formation of blood clots. It was found that the leukocyte population towards the interface of clot and polymer (AA:MMA) decreased with increasing surface acid concentration (65%AA:MMA 30 leukocytes/0.25mm2, glass 70 leukocytes/0.25mm2 (p< 0.05)). FBR is induced by the activation of complement system. The percentage of C5a concentration detected in blood incubated with various polymers composed of different comonomers relative to normal serum level of C5a (35ng/mL). No significant elevations of C5a were measured from polymer 65% AA:MMA and 65% AA:EMA. Glass induced vigorous complement response as expected. The synergistic combination of surface acid concentration and comonomers had a significant effect on extent of FBR. Increased acid concentration resulted in decreased C5a level with MMA and ET but increased level with BMA.

Discussion: The functional groups exposed on the surface of a material influence whether leukocyte or platelet activation is responsible for the subsequent physiological response. By modifying the combinations of surface acid concentrations and comonomers, we show that a biomaterial with an appropriate surface chemistry promotes the platelet plug formation and coagulation but down regulated foreign body reaction. This study shows that that a biomaterial with the appropriate surface chemistry to evoke the same coagulation response as damaged tissue, mediated through platelet activation and intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation, initiates the initial pathways of the bone healing cascade. This material is a realistic candidate for biomaterial induced bone regeneration.

Correspondence should be addressed to Dr Owen Williamson, Editorial Secretary, Spine Society of Australia, 25 Erin Street, Richmond, Victoria 3121, Australia.