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Networks of Excellence (NoE’s) are an instrument to overcome the fragmentation of the European research landscape with the objective to strengthen European excellence in a given area. Their purpose is to reach a durable restructuring/shaping and integration of efforts and institutions or parts of institutions in areas where this is necessary. The success of a NoE is not measured in terms of scientific results but by the extent to which the social fabric for researchers and research institutions in a given field has changed due to the project and the extent to which the existing capacities become more competitive as a result of this change. With that background a “European Network to promote research into uncommon cancers in adults and childrens: Pathology, Biology and Genetics of bone tumours” was initiated and founded by the European Commission in 2005 with the involvement of more than 20 institutions all over Europe.

Osteosarcoma research represents an own research line within this network. Up to now a multitude of experience has accumulated over the years which will be presented. The obvious advantages of a close cooperation between the network partners are a major hallmark and success of the network and should further lead to an improved translation of the basic research results towards a clinical application.

Correspondence should be addressed to Professor Stefan Bielack, Olgahospital, Klinikum Stuttgart, Bismarkstrasse 8, D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Email: