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Introduction: Periosteum is a tissue with pluripotential mesenchymal cells (MSCs). During fracture repair several growth factors are released from periosteum, including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), which induce the differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells towards the osteoblastic lineage, therefore increasing the pool of mature bone forming cells and enhance the differentiated function of osteoblasts.

The purpose of our study is to evaluate the expression of periosteal BMPs mRNA from fracture samples, collected within 24 hours of fracture and to compare it with BMPs expression from periosteal samples of normal (non-fractured) bones.

Materials and Methods: Periosteum samples were collected from 25 patients with recent fracture (during the past 24 hours) (age: 12–80) and 25 individuals without fracture (age: 10–73). BMPs (BMP2, BMP4, BMP6) mRNA levels were analysed by Real Time RT-PCR by using the Light Cycler machine and PBGD as a housekeeping gene.

Results: BMP2 mRNA levels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) in normal samples (median:12.15) than in fracture (median:4.39). BMP6 and BMP4 mRNA expression followed similar pattern to that of BMP2 but in significant lower levels. In normal samples, BMP4 mRNA median levels were 1.99, while in fracture samples the levels were significantly lower (median:0.35), (p< 0.05). BMP6 mRNA levels were also higher in normal samples (median:2.21) than in fractures (median:1.87) (p> 0.05). Furthermore, the decrease of BMPs mRNA levels in fracture samples was higher for BMP4 followed by BMP2 and BMP6.

Discussion: Our results indicate high BMP2 mRNA levels expressed from periosteal cells. In recent fractures there is a significant reduction of BMP2 compared to normal samples; however, the expression of BMP2 remains more elevated in comparison to the other BMPs highlighting the potential role of BMP2 at the initiation of healing process of fractures. BMP6 and BMP4 expression was similar among normal periosteal cells while levels of BMP6 were higher than BMP4 in fracture periosteal cells. The suppression of BMP6 expression was minimum and less significant than BMP2 and BMP4 suppression indicating the potential role of BMP6 at the early stages of MSCs differentiation in periosteum. On the other hand, BMP4 remains in low levels in any confrontation and seems that plays a minor role in early healing process of fracture. BMPs are considered to play central role in fracture response and bone remodelling but further investigation has to be done as much in their correlation and toward other growth factors as in their expression levels during bone fracture repair process.

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