Greater trochanter fractures after total hip replacement have been reported in up to 5% of cases. The outcomes are generally poor. Treatment options include non-operative care or surgical treatment with cerclage wires or a claw plate. We present a simple tension band technique for acute fractures with a single bony fracture fragment. We have not used the technique for chronic or comminuted fractures.
Technique: 2.5mm k-wires are passed through the fragment and anterior and posterior to the femoral implant. Eighteen-gauge wire is passed through a drill hole in the femur distal to the fracture and around the k-wires in a figure eight. The patient is kept 50% weightbearing with no active abduction for 4 weeks.
In four cases the fracture has gone on to healing. Patients have had a negative Trendelenburg sign without peritrochanteric pain.
The tension band technique is familiar to surgeons and has been reliable.