There are a number of different non-operative management options for patients with a painful knee secondary to osteoarthritis (OA). In 2013 the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons developed an evidence-based clinical practice guideline addressing treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Strength of recommendations were designated as strong, moderate and inconclusive. Strong recommendations included: self-management program, NSAIDs or tramadol and no acupuncture, no glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate and no hyaluronic acid. The “No” recommendations for hyaluronic acid and glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate were quite controversial because orthopaedic surgeons argued that some of their patients benefited from these treatments. Moderate strength recommendations included weight loss, lateral wedge insoles and needle lavage. The evidence-based data was inconclusive with respect to valgus force unloading brace, manual physical therapy, acetaminophen, opioids and pain patches. The effectiveness of corticosteroid and platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections were also inconclusive.
Unloader braces are available to decrease pressure on the involved compartment. There is data showing that these braces can be effective for some patients. However, there are concerns with patient compliance because of poor fit and discomfort. These braces seemed to be tolerated best when used for sports activities in patients with medial compartment arthritis.
Oral anti-inflammatory agents are effective in relieving pain and are a good first line agent for patients with OA. There is significant interest in the use of PRP injections for management of patients with knee OA particularly when patients have already received a steroid and/or a hyaluronic acid injection. To date there are no appropriately powered multi-centered randomised trials demonstrating that PRP is effective in decreasing pain and function in knee OA. However, there are some studies that suggest PRP can be helpful for patients with OA. Further studies to determine the indications for PRP injections are necessary. PRP injections are not covered by insurance in the United States.
In summary, the management of patients with painful OA of the knee needs to be individualised based on patient symptoms and expectations. Non-operative management can be effective in limiting pain and enhancing function.