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The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 2018 Meeting, PART 1, Galway, Ireland, September 2018.


The presentation of musculoskeletal disease differs in men and women, and recognition of the differences between men and women's burden of disease and response to treatment is critical to optimizing care. In this presentation, I will discuss the expanding evidence in the literature that examine the role of sex and gender in musculoskeletal disease, including how its examination increases the innovations and contributions, as well as expands the knowledge about musculoskeletal disease, conditions, and injury in a broad sense. We will discuss the role that structural anatomy differences, hormones, and genetics play in differential disease expression, to the historical biases in the subject populations of clinical and basic research projects. Participants will be provided with examples and opportunities to evaluate orthopaedic science through a sex and gender lens, and what impact this may play in setting the stage for both clinical practice and scientific investigation.
