Crosslinking has been already used for about 80 years to enhance the longevity of polyethylene cables. The polymer alteration has been achieved with peroxide, silane or irradiation. The medical devices industry discovered the benefit of this technology for its tribological applications like hip or knee bearings in the 2000s as crosslinking improves considerably the abrasion resistance of the material. The more current methods used are Gamma and Beta irradiation. On the basis of economical (rising prices of Cobalt), environmental (the radioactive source can not be turned off), technological (low dose rate) drawbacks for Gamma respectively low penetration for Beta irradiation we decided to investigate an alternative technology: the X-Ray irradiation, which provides a homogeneous crosslinking in a relatively short time. We analyzed the wear, mechanical, thermal, oxidative and network properties of two vitamin E doped UHMWPE: first crosslinked with E-Beam, second with X-Ray. There wasn't any significant difference between the X-Ray and the E-Beam crosslinked material.