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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) meeting, 32nd Annual Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 2019. Part 2 of 2.



In theory, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an attractive method for elucidating the mechanics of modular implant junctions, including variations in materials, designs, and modes of loading. However, the credence of any computational model can only be established through validation using experimental data. In this study we examine the validity of such a simulation validated by comparing values of interface motion predicted using FEA with values measured during experimental simulation of stair-climbing.


Two finite element models (FEM) of a modular implant assembly were created for use in this study, consisting of a 36mm CoCr femoral head attached to a TiAlV rod with a 14/12 trunnion. Two head materials were modelled: CoCr alloy (118,706 10-noded tetrahedral elements), and alumina ceramic (124,710 10-noded tetrahedral elements). The quasi-static coefficients of friction (µs) of the CoCr-TiAlV and Ceramic-TiAlV interfaces were calculated from uniaxial assembly (2000N) and dis-assembly experiments performed in a mechanical testing machine (Bionix, MTS). Interface displacements during taper assembly and disassembly were measured using digital image correlation (DIC; Dantec Dynamics). The assembly process was also simulated using the computational model with the friction coefficient set to µs and solved using the Siemens Nastran NX 11.0 Solver. The frictional conditions were then varied iteratively to find the value of µ providing the closest estimate to the experimental value of head displacement during assembly.

To validate the FEA model, the relative motion between the head and the trunnion was measured during dynamic loading simulating stair-climbing. Each modular junction was assembled in a drop tower apparatus and then cyclically loaded from 230–4300N at 1 Hz for a total of 2,000 cycles. The applied load was oriented at 25° to the trunnion axis in the frontal plane and 10° in the sagittal plane. The displacement of the head relative to the trunnion during cyclic loading was measured by a three-camera digital image correlation (DIC) system. The same loading conditions were simulated using the FEA model using the optimal value of µ derived from the initial head assembly trials.


For both head materials, the predicted values of axial displacement of the head on the trunnion closely approximated the measured values derived from DIC measurements, with differences of −0.17% to +6.5%, respectively. Larger differences were calculated for individual components of motion for the stair climbing activity. However, the predicted magnitude of interface motion was still within 10% of the observed values, ranging from −7% to −5%.


Our simulations closely approximated physical testing using complex loading, coming within 7% of the target values. By generating a validated computational model of a modular junctions with varying head materials, we will be able to simulate additional activities of daily living to determine micromotion and areas of peak pressure and contact stresses generated.

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