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The Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) and The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2019. Part 3.


Physical examination is critical to formation of a differential diagnosis in patients with ulnar-sided wrist pain. Although the specificity and sensitivity of some of those tests have been reported in the literature, the prevalence of positive findings of those provocative maneuvers has not been reported. The aim of the study is to find the prevalence of positive findings of the most commonly performed tests for ulnar sided wrist pain in a population presenting to UE surgeon clinics, and to correlate those findings with wrist arthroscopy findings.

Patients with ulnar sided wrist pain were identified from a prospective database of patients presented with wrist pain from September 2014. Prevalence of positive findings for the following tests were gathered: ECU synergy test, ECU instability test (Ice cream and Fly Swatter), Lunotriquetral ballottement, Kleinman shear, triquetrum tenderness, triquetrum compression test, triquetral-hamate tenderness, pisotriquetral shuck test, ulnar fovea test, ulnocarpal impaction (UCI) maneuver, UCI maneuver with fovea pressure (ulnar carpal plus test), piano key sign. A subgroup was then created for those who underwent wrist arthroscopy, and analysis of the sensitivities, the specificities and the predictive values of these provocative tests was carried out with correlation to arthroscopic finding.

Prevalence of ECU instability tests was t 1.13% (ice cream scoop) and 1.5% (fly swatter). Lunotriquetral ballottement test's positive findings range from 4.91% (excessive laxity) to 14.34% (pain reproducing symptoms. The Kleinman shear test yielded pain in 13.58% of patients, and instability in only 2.26%. Triquetrum compression test reproduces pain in 32.83% of patients, and triquetral-hamate tenderness reproduced pain in 13.21%. Pisotriquetral grind test yields 15.85% positive findings for pain, and 10.57% for crepitus with radioulnar translation. The ulnar fovea test revealed pain in 69.05% of cases. The UCI maneuver yielded pain in 70.19%. The UCI maneuver plus ulnar fovea test reproduced pain in 80.38% of cases. Finally, the piano key sign yields positive finding in 2.64% of cases.

For patients who underwent surgery, sensitivities, specificities and predictive values were calculated based on arthroscopic findings. The lunotriquetral ballottement test has 59.6% sensitivity, 39.6% specificity, 20.3% positive predictive value and 85.4% negative predictive value. The sensitivity of Kleinman test was 62.4%, the specificity was 41.3%, the positive predictive value was 23.5%, and the negative predictive value was 83.2%. The sensitivity of fovea test was 94.3%, the specificity was 82.5%, the positive predictive value was 89.5% and the negative predictive value was 92.3%. The UCI maneuver plus ulnar fovea test has 96.5% sensitivity, 80.7% specificity 86.4% positive predictive value, and 95.3% negative predictive value.

Among the provocative tests, the prevalence of positive findings is low in the majority of those maneuvers. The exceptions are the fovea test, the UCI maneuver, and the UCI plus maneuver. With regard to the sensitivity and the specificity of those tests, the current study reproduces the numbers reported in the literature. Of those patients who underwent wrist arthroscopy, the tests are better at predicting at the absence of injury rather than at predicting its presence
