Purpose and Background
Patients’ engagement with self-management strategies (SMS) is key when managing low back pain (LBP) and relies on appropriate information being delivered by the treating Clinician. However, patients have differing coping mechanisms which may affect success with SMS. This study aimed to determine Patient and Physiotherapist's perceptions of coping responses and SMS in patients with LBP.
Patient completed a Pain Coping strategies questionnaire, before and after LBP treatment. Semi-structured interviews gathered data from of 10 patients (6 males; and 6 physiotherapists. Questionnaire data was described descriptively, and qualitative data was transcribed/analysed thematically.
5 patients were categorized as ‘active copers’ and 5 as ‘passive copers’ before treatment. SMS success appeared to be impacted by patient coping strategies they adopted. Spiritual religious coping strategies linked to cultural beliefs was a common strategy for all patients. However, the active copers were more likely to engage with active strategies compared to passive copers. All patients felt they had not received full education/details about the home exercises. One patient became an ‘active coper’ following treatment demonstrating high self-confidence to self-manage pain and accepted exercises as a lifestyle. Physiotherapists did not use a valid method for screening purposes for coping, although they referred to ascertaining this verbally and they did tailor exercises differently for passive and active copers.
Screening for individual coping strategies would enhance targeting treatments and all patients would benefit from full exercise programmes for self- management and pain self-efficacy approaches to change patients ‘behaviour and enhance patients’ self-confidence.
Conflicts of interest: No conflicts of interest
Sources of funding: The study is sponsored by Kuwait Government