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Australian Orthopaedic Association and New Zealand Orthopaedic Association (AOA/NZOA) - Combined Annual Scientific Meeting


Proximal Release of Gastrocnemius (PROG) is a procedure which can be performed to treat various disorders of the foot and ankle. Gastrocnemius contracture/tightening is a condition which can lead to many chronic debilitating foot conditions like Metatarsalgia, Hallux Valgus, Plantar Fascitis, Diabetic foot ulcers etc, which in turn can significantly affect patient's quality of life. In this study we present eight cases who presented with forefoot pain, were treated with PROG and showed a complete resolution of their condition.

The test used to determine Gastrocnemius contracture is the “SILFVERSKIOLD TEST”. It measures the dorsiflexion (DF) of the foot at the ankle joint (AJ) with knee extended & flexed to 90 degrees. The test is considered positive when DF at the AJ is greater with knee flexed than extended.

We studied eight patients who presented to the orthopaedic outpatients between 2005 and 2010 with diverse foot conditions and having relative equinism. Six out of eight patients suffered from forefoot pain, out of which three had associated diabetic neuropathy and one out of these three had a diabetic foot ulcer. One was in association with arthritis of Talonavicular & Transmetatarsal joint, another had callosity under the head of second metatarsal. One patient had claw toes with associated Rheumatoid Arthritis. One of our patients presented with spasticity in his left calf, severe Hallux Valgus & dislocated MTPJ. He had an unsuccessful Strayer procedure on the same leg in the past. The final case had Achilles tendonitis & spurs. A finding common to all of them pre operatively was a positive Silfverskiold test, all having ZERO degree DF at the AJ with knee extended. Surgical release of the aponeurotic head of gastrocnemius was performed in prone position through a transverse incision. A cam walker was used for two weeks in those patients who were permitted to weight-bear, else a plaster for two weeks. No surgical complications occurred. Success was measured both in returning the ability to dorsiflex and resolution of related condition.

DF in extension improved from an average of zero to 16(sixteen) degrees. Seven out of eight patients(including the patient with planter ulcer)had resolution of associated condition. One failure was a patient who continued to experience neuropathic pain. None of the patients complained of any weakness as a result of release.

PROG is a straightforward procedure and should be considered in patients where gastrocnemius tightening is likely to be the contributing factor. This seems to improve the success of related procedures.