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British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS)


Following acute ACL rupture patients are routinely referred for rehabilitation but the timing and level of functional recovery related to rehabilitation outcome are poorly defined.

The primary aim of this study was to measure functional recovery following acute ACL rupture in the clinical setting using a two dimensional movement analysis system. A longitudinal research design was used; we aimed for three clinical movement analysis sessions over the course of rehabilitation. One hundred and fifteen patients were recruited. Sixty three uninjured matched controls were recorded once performing all the functional activities; walking, jogging, distance hop and run and stop. Participants were filmed in the sagittal plane using a digital camcorder to extract kinematic data. Average recovery over time was modelled using a least squares third order polynomial.

The secondary aim was to define the outcome measures and treatment goals used in ACL rehabilitation by specialist knee physiotherapists. A questionnaire was distributed to 300 hospitals across the UK. From the 44 responses insight was obtained about parameters physiotherapists use to plan treatment and evaluate recovery.

Repeated movement analysis showed that gait velocity took on average 85 days to recover to within the normal limits of uninjured controls. Jogging velocity took 30 days; Hop distance took 55 days for the non-injured leg and 100 days for the injured leg; Knee range during the landing phase of run and stop took 80 days to recover but demonstrated some deterioration. The questionnaire identified that specialist knee physiotherapists use 60 different outcome measures and 34 rehabilitation treatment goals, which can be sub-divided into patient reported (PR), functional activities (A) and impairments (I). The percentage usage by physiotherapists for each category of outcome measure were 55.8% (A), 62.8% (I) to 67.4% (PR) and for treatment goals 55.8% (PR), 69.8% (A) to 81.4% (I). Hopping is the most frequently evaluated functional activity but there are large differences in its utilisation. The application of functional goals and outcome measures in rehabilitation is not universal with specialist physiotherapists generally adopting an impairment approach.

Repeated movement analysis in the clinical setting provided objective data on the recovery of functional activities that progressively challenge knee stability. Gait and hop distance appear to be the most useful variables for tracking performance over time but their predictive value needs to be explored further. Adaptations in the non-injured leg indicate that its use as a control needs to be done with caution. For jogging and run and stop there appears to be a threshold after which patients can perform these activities rather than a gradual recovery. Clinical movement analysis could be used to provide objective feedback on recovery levels and help guide the rehabilitation process. However, currently functional goals and milestones are not always included in the planning and evaluation of rehabilitation. Developing better rehabilitation should involve greater integration of functional activity measures into practice. This would require a shift from an impairment rehabilitation approach to focus on functional goals.