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Increased use of locking volar plates for distal radius fractures led to a number of reports in literature of flexor tendon injuries from impingement and attrition against hardware. Repair of the pronator quadratus is critical in preventing tendon injury. We present a pronator quadratus sparing approach to the distal radius.

The senior author has used a pronator quadratus sparing lateral pillar approach for for the past five years. A lateral incision is used over the radial styloid. The first dorsal compartment is released and APL and EPB tendons retracted. The underlying brachio-radialis tendon and insertion fascia is split and the palmar portion elevated off the distal radius with the pronator quadratus as a single contiguous sheet. The distal edge of the pronator quadratus is elevated from the wrist capsule by sharp dissection. The radial artery is protected by the retracted tissue.

Repair of the brachio-radialis tendon and insertion fascia is much more robust than that of the pronator quadratus covering the entire plate. Since 2004, the senior author has used the pronator quadratus sparing approach for volar plating of the distal radius, in 183 cases.

At last follow-up there were no instances of flexor tendon injury, which was considered to be one of the outcome measures and end-points. There was no impingement in the first dorsal compartment, except in two cases of lateral pillar hardware impingement from additional lateral pillar plate fixation through the same approach. Nine cases had minor persistent superficial radial nerve parasthesia. One case had a superficial wound infection requiring drainage. The repaired pronator quadratus formed a barrier protecting the plate. The infection was aggressively treated and the plate left in situ for three months till fracture union. Cultures from the retrieved plate showed no organisms.

Another implant had two of the locking screws back out. The pronator quadratus fascia was tented with an underlying haematoma. The fascia however only showed minimum screw penetration and no flexor tendon injury. Average wrist dorsiflexion was 72 deg and palmar flexion 65 deg.

Average pronation was 81 deg and average supination 69 deg. Supination range was slow to recover in younger patients. One explanation could be the tight pronator quadratus repair. Average PRWE and DASH scores were 19.

The quadratus sparing approach to the volar distal radius is easy to perform and protects the flexor tendons at the wrist. Cases demonstrated that an intact pronator quadratus can act as an effective barrier to prominent hardware and superficial infection. Supination range may be reduced by this approach due to a tight repair, though a palmar DRUJ capsule contracture may also be an explanation.