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European Bone And Joint Infection Society (EBJIS) 34th Annual Meeting: PART 2


This study examines the case of a spondylodiscitis in the thoracic spine caused by MRSA which led to two orthopaedic surgeries followed by rehabilitation.

A 72.6 year old woman suffered a cutaneous infection with herpes zoster on the right dorsal thorax – 2 weeks later she presented a sepsis by MSSA. 2 month later she lamented sever pain in the thoracic column. She were hospitalized presenting a sepsis by MRSA. One month later it was found an infectious spondylodiscitis from thoracic vertebra T 8 to T 11 with destruction of the intervertebral spaces. To eliminate the infection and stabilize the dorsal column she was undertaken an first orthopaedic surgery by dorsal decompression and dorsal spondylodesis from T 6 – L 2; intraoperative microbiology: MRSA. 3 month later she was undertaken a second surgery by a lateral transthoracic decompression and intervertebral stabilization from T 9 – T 10 with tricortical bone chips and inlay of sponge with Calcibon and Gentamycin. The following rehabilitation took her to a reasonable result. The cost of the first treatment with dorsal stabilization was € 17.694,24, the second surgery was € 13.678,88; the cost of both rehabilitations was € 4.160,00. The finally costs for the whole treatment for the insurance was € 47,442,62.

This retrospective case report shows the high costs for a treatment of spondylodiscitis caused by MRSA, not taking in consideration the harm and prolonged pain of the patient.
