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The International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), 28th Annual Congress. PART 1.


Normal human locomotion entails a rather narrow base of support (BoS), of around 12cm at normal walking speeds. This relatively narrow gait requires good balance, and is beneficial, as it minimises the adduction moment at the knee. Normal knees have a slightly oblique joint line, and slight varus, which allow the normal human to walk rapidly with a narrow BoS. Patients with increased varus and secondary osteoarthritis have a broader BoS, which exacerbates the excessive load, making walking painful and ungainly.

We wondered if there would be a difference between the base of support of patients whose knee kinematics had been preserved, by retaining the native jointline obliquity and the acl, in comparison with those whose alignment had been altered to a mechanically correct ‘neutral’ alignment.

Materials and Methods

Of 201 patients measured following knee arthroplasty, 31 unicondylar patients and 35 total knee patients, with a single primary arthroplasty, and no co-morbidities, over 1 year post-operatively were identified. Two control groups of controls, a younger cohort of 112 people and 17 in an age matched older cohort.

All operations were performed by the same surgeon. The total knees were cruciate retaining devices, inserted in mechanical alignment, and the unicondylar knees were inserted retaining the native alignment and joint-line obliquity.

The gait of all subjects was analysed on an instrumented, calibrated treadmill with underlying force plates. Patients start by walking at a comfortable speed for them for 5 minutes, before the speed of the treadmill is increased at 1/2 km/h increments until maximum walking speed obtained, spending 30 seconds at each. After the flat test, it was then repeated on a downhill slope of 6°.

Base of Support is interpreted as the distance between the centre point of heel strike and toe off from one foot to that of the other.

The top walking speed in the unicondylar group was significantly greater than that of the total knee group, as we reported in 2013.

TKA patients have an average BoS of 14cm, while UKA patients and controls have a 12cm BoS. The BoS did not reduce with speed. This 2cm, or 17% increase in BoS is significant. Shapiro-Wilk tests demonstrate a normal distribution to the results, and ANOVA testing reveals a significant difference (p<0.05) within the groups between the speeds of 4.5 to 9. Post-Hoc Bonferroni testing reveal a significant difference between the TKA group and each of the other three groups.

On the downhill test (figure 1), the mean BoS in the TKA group increased to 16cm. This increase is highly significant, with a p value of <0.001, while the increase in the UKA group at higher speeds failed to reach significance, and the controls both stayed at 12cm. 6 Bi-uni knees tested acted just like the UKAs.


A narrow base of support minimises excessive loads across the joint line. Maintenance of jointline obliquity and an ACL enables this feature to be returned to normal following uni, or bi-uni, while a well aligned TKA seems to prevent it.
