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European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) 24th Annual Meeting, 14–16 September 2016. Part 2.


Newer irreversible oral anticoagulants such as rivaroxaban, a direct factor 10a inhibitor, are increasingly employed to prevent thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients, and to manage venous thromboembolism (VTE). Unlike warfarin, these agents require no monitoring and involve infrequent dose adjustment. We report the case of a patient treated with rivaroxaban for AF. Patient presented with unprovoked sudden onset right shoulder pain which clinically resembled shoulder haemarthrosis.

A single case was anonymised and retrospectively reviewed through examination of clinical and radiographic data.

A 70 year old female with known AF presented to Accident and Emergency with sudden onset of right shoulder pain and limited movement, which developed over one hour. The pain was constant, localised to the shoulder and without trauma. Past medical history included severe aortic regurgitation and associated thoracic aortic aneurysm, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and hypertension. Observations were normal upon admission with no haemodynamic compromise or pyrexia. Examining the right shoulder demonstrated distension of shoulder joint capsule, tenderness and a reduced range of movement. Temperature and neurovascular status in the right arm were normal. Investigations upon admission included an INR of 1.2. An anteroposterior right shoulder radiograph showed no evidence of fracture. Patient was managed conservatively with simple oral analgesia. Importantly, rivaroxaban was withheld for 5 days and symptoms resolved. Warfarin therapy was subsequently commenced instead as treatment for AF. Patient was discharged one week later and seen in clinic two weeks post-discharge. A full recovery occurred and with a full range of movement in the right shoulder.

In the UK, current National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend the use of factor 10a inhibitors, for prevention of stroke in AF patients, and following elective total hip and knee replacement operations to prevent VTE. In turn, rivaroxaban is increasingly prescribed as first line therapy. Whereas warfarin has a documented association with haemarthrosis, there is no primary literature evaluating the incidence of factor 10a therapy associated haemarthrosis. In our case, the unprovoked shoulder haemarthrosis resolved following rivaroxaban cessation. In comparison with warfarin, rivaroxaban is irreversible. With warfarin and a high INR, vitamin K can be used to reverse the anticoagulation. There is no equivalent for rivaroxaban. We suggest further studies into incidence of haemarthrosis associated with oral anticoagulant therapy be undertaken, and treating physicians be aware of such complication.