Performance indicators are increasingly used to evaluate the quality of healthcare provided to patients with a hip fracture. The aim of this review was to map the variety of performance indicators used around the world and how they are defined.
We present a mixed methods systematic review of literature on the use of performance indicators in hip fracture care. Evidence was searched through 12 electronic databases and other sources. A Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used to assess methodological quality of studies meeting the inclusion criteria. A protocol for a suite of related systematic reviews was registered at PROSPERO (CRD42023417515).
A total 24,634 articles were reviewed, of which 171 met the criteria of the review. Included studies were heterogenous in design and came from varied healthcare systems in 34 different countries. Most studies were conducted in high-income countries in Europe (n = 118), followed by North America (n = 33), Asia (n = 21), Australia (n = 10), and South America (n = 2). The highest number of studies in one country came from the UK (n = 45). Only seven of the 171 studies (< 2,000 participants) were conducted across ten low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). There was variation in the performance indicators reported from different healthcare systems, and indicators were often undefined or ambiguously defined. For example, there were multiple definitions of 'early' in terms of surgery, different or missing definitions of ‘mobilization’, and variety in what was included in an ‘orthogeriatric assessment’ in hip fracture care. However, several performance indicators appeared commonly, including time to surgery (n = 142/171; 83%), orthogeriatric review (n = 30; 17%), early mobilization after surgery (n = 58; 34%), and bone health assessment (n = 41; 24%). Qualitative studies (n = 18), mainly from high-income countries and India, provided evidence on the experiences of 192 patients and 138 healthcare professionals with regard to the use of performance indicators in clinical care and rehabilitation pathways. Themes included the importance of education and training in parallel with the introduction of performance indicators, clarity of roles with the clinical team, and the need for restructuring or integration of care pathways.
This review identified a large number of performance indicators related to the delivery of healthcare for patients with a hip fracture. However, their definitions and thresholds varied across studies and countries. Evidence from LMICs is sparse. Both qualitative and quantitative evidence indicates that there remains a pressing need for further research into the use and standardization of performance indicators in hip fracture care and their influence on patient outcomes and economic costs.
Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2025;6(3):275–290.
Take home message
Hip fracture care is marked by significant variability in the performance indicators used and how they are defined which makes meaningful comparisons across healthcare systems challenging.
Although healthcare professionals acknowledge the importance of data collection, there is limited evidence on the actual impact of these indicators on patient outcomes and healthcare costs, with even less known about the experiences of those involved in managing them.
Standardization of terminology and definitions is essential to enable evidence synthesis, alongside further research into their use, particularly in low- and middle-income settings.
Hip fracture is a common, serious, and costly public health issue.1 The incidence rates are currently highest in North America and Europe, but the global incidence is expected to double over the next 20 to 30 years due to the growing proportion of older people in many regions of the world.2 Hip fractures have serious consequences for patients. Of hip fracture patients in the UK, 25% die within a year and survivors have a reduction in their health-related quality of life, similar to having a stroke.3 The outlook is likely to be even worse for people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with fewer resources to support recovery and long-term care.4 The annual costs of care for patients with hip fracture in the USA, the UK, and nine Asian countries are estimated at USA$12 trillion,5 USA$3 trillion, and USA$15 billion, respectively.6
Hip fracture care typically requires input from multiple specialties at different points of the patient ‘journey’. To inform this process, several countries have developed clinical practice guidelines and regional or national audits to optimize the delivery of appropriate hip fracture care. These guidelines and audit datasets often include performance indicators, sometimes referred to as ‘best practice quality standards’. Performance indicators were introduced to improve patient health outcomes by quantifying aspects of care delivery that are associated with improved recovery after a hip fracture.7 However, the use of performance indicators, and the different types of performance indicator used in different healthcare settings, is not clearly described in the literature.
The aim of this review was to identify performance indicators used in the care of patients with hip fracture in different healthcare systems around the world. We also explored how performance indicators are defined in clinical practice and how they are used by healthcare professionals and policy makers.
We performed a mixed-methods systematic review of evidence on performance indicators used globally for evaluating healthcare in patients with hip fractures. This review is part of a suite of systematic reviews evaluating healthcare of patients with fractures (registered at the International Prospective Register for Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO).8 The review is reported according to the PRISMA statement,9 and the Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research (ENTREQ) statement.10
Search strategy
A comprehensive search strategy without age, period, or language restrictions was iteratively derived with input from information specialist and hip fracture experts (Supplementary Table i). Overall, 12 bibliographic databases were searched for studies published from database inception to 25 April 2023: MEDLINE; Embase; EMCARE; Ovid Global Health; the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Scopus; Web of Science; World Health Organization (WHO) Global Index Medicus; Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) NHS Economic Evaluations Database (to 31 March 2015); and the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) Health Technology Database.
The search involved using relevant index terms and free-text terms, synonyms, and phrases in the title and abstract fields for relevant papers on performance indicators, quality indicators, health care/quality improvement AND fractures, trauma, injuries or injury, in order to meet the aims of the protocol.
All references were exported into EndNote v. 20 reference manager (Clarivate, USA), and duplicates were removed using the Bramer method.11 Snowballing, websites, personal databases, and citations were searched for additional records.
Study selection
To ensure high level of agreement between reviewers and to minimize any reviewer-related biases, a subset of articles was piloted for independent double review among all authors (AT, JM, MC, MP, SG, VMP) at each stage of the review process (i.e. title and abstract screening, data extraction, and quality assessment) and results were compared. Titles and abstracts were then independently screened by AT, MP, and VMP using EndNote v. 20 (Clarivate). Articles appearing to meet this review’s inclusion criteria (Supplementary Table ii) were retrieved for full text review and details of these studies were recorded in pre-piloted spreadsheets with reasons for excluding studies. Foreign language papers were translated using Microsoft (USA)/Google translator (Google, USA) and native speakers were contacted if anything was unclear. Uncertainty about inclusion criteria and disagreements were resolved by discussion among all authors.
Quality assessment
The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) v. 201812 was used to assess the methodological quality of included studies. All authors were trained to use the tool and a sample of studies were piloted for quality assessment. Two reviewers (AT, VMP) independently assessed the quality of all included studies. Any disagreement between the reviewers over the risk of bias of an included study, was resolved by discussion at team meetings. The quality assessment stage underpinned the context of the synthesized findings and was not used to exclude studies.
Data extraction and analyses
Two reviewers (AT, VMP) independently extracted data of relevant studies into a pre-piloted study design specific spreadsheet. For quality assurance, all studies meeting the inclusion criteria were double reviewed by a second reviewer to ensure agreement and consistency in data extraction and reporting. Additionally, to minimize reviewer related bias, the evidence tables of included studies were further double reviewed and analyzed by AT, MC, and VMP.
Data synthesis
The heterogeneity between quantitative studies, in terms of study designs and study periods, precluded meta-analysis. A narrative synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data was therefore undertaken.
Extracted qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed and synthesized by one reviewer (VMP) and mapped by country of study, study period, and study design. Evidence was synthesized on the variety of performance indicators used around the world and how they are defined. Additionally, qualitative evidence from patients and healthcare professionals was summarized by ET, JM, MC, and VMP. Finally, summaries of the qualitative and quantitative data were integrated by ET, MC, and VMP using 'the parallel results convergent design synthesis'.13
A total of 24,448 articles were identified from searching 12 electronic databases in April 2023. These were screened, and 221 full text articles were reviewed (including 12 other language papers). Full texts of 175 additional studies were identified from reference lists and other sources and were also reviewed. A total of 171 studies met the inclusion criteria. A PRISMA flow diagram summarizes the literature search strategy in Figure 1.
Fig. 1
PRISMA flow diagram of the systematic search for evidence on performance indicators used globally for evaluating hip fracture care. CINAHL, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; HTA, Health Technology Assessment; NHSEED, NHS Economic Evaluations Database.
The articles were heterogenous in terms of health systems, study designs, study periods, performance indicators, and performance indicator definitions (Supplementary Tables iii to ix for summary of extracted data and quality assessment). There were two multinational cross sectional surveys,14,15 two randomized controlled trials,16,17 two control pre- and post-intervention studies,18,19 two quasi-experimental,20,21 four mixed methods,22-25 14 qualitative studies,26-39 27 prospective cohort studies,40-66 42 mixed prospective and retrospective pre/post intervention studies,67-108 and 76 retrospective cohort studies,109-185 which provided evidence on the performance indicators of hip fracture care in 34 countries. The retrospective study design and other limitations had an impact on the methodological quality of included studies with 23% studies being of high quality, while 63% and 14% studies were of intermediate and low quality, respectively.
The study period was not reported in 13 included studies. However, it appears that all included studies were conducted between years 1981 and 2021 and subsequently published between years 1986 and 2023. Of these 171 studies, 63% were published in recent years between years 2015 and 2023. Only 32% studies were published between 2001 and 2014 and around 5% studies were published between 1986 and 2000.
Evidence collected was mainly from high-income countries in North America (n = 33), Europe (n = 118 with 45 studies from the UK), Australia (n = 10), South America (n = 2), and Asia (n = 21) (Figure 2). Evidence from LMICs was limited with only seven out of 171 studies reporting evidence from ten LMICs (Mexico, India, China, Serbia, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines).14,20,22,51,53,76,164
Fig. 2
Mapping evidence by countries in which the studies were originally conducted.
Two studies did not report the total number of participants from each of the three (Belgium, Italy, and Portugal),16 and seven (Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Sweden, and Ireland)15 countries represented.
Overall, in Asia, studies were conducted in 13 countries with a total of 75,659 participants. Studies from Australia and New Zealand had > 2,195 participants, while studies in Europe were conducted in 15 countries and had > 3,456,765 participants, although most of the participants (2,525,926) were from the UK. Finally, North America (Canada and USA) had > 446,412 participants, and two countries from South America – Chile and Mexico – had 647 and 83 participants, respectively.
Performance indicators used globally in hip fracture care and how they are defined
Across the 171 articles, 241 performance indicators were described. Supplementary Table x lists performance indicators/proxy performance indicators. However, the performance indicators were often undefined or variably defined in the different articles. The 12 most commonly reported performance indicators are shown in Table I. Time to hospital admission (42 articles (24.6%)) is variably defined as time from fall/injury to arrival in the emergency department (ED)/diagnosis/admission to the hospital. Review by a physician specializing in care of older patients was reported by 30 studies (17.5%). However, the target time for the review was often unreported and, where reported, ranged from ≤ 48 to ≤ 72 hours. The clinician performing the review was also described inconsistently, ranging from geriatrician, orthogeriatric to orthopaedic surgeon. Time to surgical intervention was reported in 142/171 (83%) articles but there was variation in the target time (< 12 hours to > ten days) and start point for the timing, ranging from arrival in the ED through decision to admit, to admission to the hospital ward. Time to mobilization after surgery was reported as a performance indicator in 58 (34%) articles; however, there was substantial variation in how, when, and by whom mobilization was initiated postoperatively. Other commonly reported performance indicators were: bone health assessment was reported in 41 studies (24%), pain assessment in 31 (18%), anaesthesia risk assessment in 16 (9.4%), antibiotic prophylaxis assessment in 11 (6.4%), thrombolytic prophylaxis assessment in 15 (8.77%), medication prescription assessment in 20 (11.7%), cognitive impairment assessment was reported by 29 (17%) studies, and a return to home risk assessment in 69/171 (40.3%).
Table I.
Summary of quantitative studies investigating performance indicators in hip fracture care of older patients.
Performance indicator | Studies exploring each indicator* | Performance indicators mostly undefined or with multiple definitions |
Prompt admission to a surgical ward from the emergency department | 4,8,9†,25,29,36,38,40,41,42,46, 49,52,57,59,60,63,75,76,84,95,98, 101,102,104,106,110,115,118,120, 127,128,130,132,140,141,143,150, 151,156,169,170‡ |
Prompt review by a physician specializing in care of older patients | 2,5§,30,37,40,45,46,47,49,52, 53,54,58,66,72,75,77,95,102,104, 112,113,115,126,128,140,145,147,149,156 |
Bone health assessment | 2,5§,6,30,34¶,37,40,46,50,52,54, 58,61,69,70,72,75,79,97,103,104,109, 113,116,117,118,124,125,126,131, 133,134,139,140, 142,145,151, 154,155,170‡,171 |
Early surgical intervention | 2,3,4,5§,6,7,8,9†,10,25,26,27,29,30,31, 32,33,34¶,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44, 45,46,47,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60,61, 62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73, 75,76,77,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90, 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102, 103,104,105,107**,109,110,111,112,113,114,115, 116,117,118, 119,120,121,123,124,126,127,128, 129,130,131,132,134,135,136,137,138,139, 140,141,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,151, 152,153,155,156,157,158,160,161,162,163, 164,165,166,167,168,169,170‡,171 |
Early mobilization after surgery | 1,2,5§,6,7,28,30,34¶,35,48,50,54,58,59, 61,66,68,70,73,74¶,77, 78††,79,80,81, 82,83,88,90,97,99,100,103,106,107,108, 109,111,113,115,116,117,118,121,122,124, 125,128,131,133,134,142,148,152,155,156, 165,171 |
Pain assessment | 1,2,6,34¶,35,61,65,66,68,70,75, 82,83,84,87,109,115,117,125,128, 131,133,134,142,147,150,152,154, 156,170‡,171 |
Anaesthesia risk assessment | 1,6,9†,71,78††,82,84,90,95,100, 102,104,107**,108,113,152 |
Antibiotic prophylaxis assessment | 2,6,29,59,66,70,83,84,90,155,169 |
Thrombolytic prophylaxis assessment | 6,34¶,59,66,69,70,83,90,98,118, 151,155,156,169,171 |
Medication prescription assessment | 2,5§,6,27,37,69,70,75,97,109,117,118, 124,125,131,133,134,139,142,156 |
Cognitive impairment assessment | 1,2,7,26,30,35,42,45,46,67,68,72,77, 78††,79,80,89,92,93,115,116,126,128, 140,148,149,156,161,170‡ |
2,6,7,47,50,69,73,76,82,83,84,88,104,106,108, 111,112,150,158, 159,169 |
5§,6,7,29,30,34¶,51,68,69,71,72,73,79,87,92, 108,111,116,118, 127,152,159,170‡,171 |
Return to home risk assessments | 1,2,3,4,6,7,27,29,32,34¶,35,36, 38,40,42,43,46,47,48,49,50,51, 61,62,66,67,68,71,72,73,76,79, 80,83,84,86,87,88,94,97,98,99, 103,104,105,109,112,113,116,117, 118,122,125,126,128,131,132,134, 135,144,148,149,151,152,154,156, 157,165,171 |
Study number as per Supplementary Tables iii to ix.
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines.
ADLs, activities of daily living; AMTS, Abbreviated Mental Test Score; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; ED, emergency department; EQ-VAS, EuroQol-visual analogue scale; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; GOS-E, Glasgow Outcome Scale - Extended; MDT, multidisciplinary team; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; SF-12, 12-Item Short Form Health Survey; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; SPMSQ, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire.
Synthesis of qualitative evidence
There were 18 studies mainly from developed countries and India that reported qualitative data from approximately 330 participants (range 5 to 31) (192 patients and 138 healthcare professionals regarding their experiences on performance indicator use in hip fracture clinical care and rehabilitation pathways; Table II). Four mixed methods studies provided evidence from healthcare professionals in Australia,23 Canada,24 India,22 and Sweden25 (Supplementary Table iv). Two of the studies did not specify the number of healthcare professional participants.22,23 Additionally, 14 qualitative studies conducted between 2001 to 2021 mainly from Europe – Sweden (n = 5), Denmark (n = 2), Norway (n = 1), and the UK (n = 5) – and Israel (n = 1), provided healthcare professional or patient perceptions on aspects of clinical care and rehabilitation pathways related to acute care performance indicators (Supplementary Table v). Six of these studies had only healthcare professional participants,22,23,25,29,30,36 two had both patients and healthcare professional participants,24,35 and ten studies had only patient participants. Only four studies indicated the participation of carers/relatives/family members, but their details or experiences were not clearly described. The qualitative studies generally did not define specific performance indicators but asked more general questions about patient and staff experience of aspects of care related to performance indicators.
Table II.
Summary of qualitative studies investigating performance indicators in hip fracture care of older patients.
Study ID, country, Study period |
Study aim | Population | Study design | Analyses method (theory/framework/model used) | Themes/subthemes | Categories/subcategories |
Haslam-Larmer et al (Canada) Study period: 201924 |
To identify factors influencing participation in early mobility activities after hip fracture surgery | Hip fracture Patients: 19 Family members: NR Healthcare professionals: 10 (Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, therapy assistants, and registered nurses) |
Part of mixed method study. Qualitative method: Face to face semi structured interviews The Healthcare professionals interview questions based on Theoretical Domains Framework The patient & family member questions were grounded in the COM behaviour change model |
Theoretical Domains Framework Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour (COM-B) change model |
Healthcare professionals
Patients and Healthcare professionals
Patients and Healthcare professionals Factors affecting early mobility:
Jensen et al (Denmark) Study period: 201530 |
To describe experiences of the hip fracture pathway. | Hip fracture Patients:10 Relatives: 4 (daughter, husband, wife) Health professionals*:15 (*physiotherapists, nurses, geriatrician, physicians, healthcare workers and PhD student) |
Qualitative – semi structured interviews and field observations to gain a broader and richer description and to clarify if the patients feel empowered and able to perform selfcare after short time stay in hospital. | Phenomenological and Reflective Lifeworld Research approach Phenomenon: 'hip fracture pathway with short time stay in hospital (STSH)' |
NR | Patient
Health professional
Mow et al (Australia) Study period: unclear, sometime between 2013 to 201523 |
To identify processes that could be clarified and streamlined, with the agreement of relevant stakeholders, in the creation of a new hip fracture pathway | Clinical staff: NR (Anaesthetists, radiographer, ortho surgeon, ortho registrar, medical registrar, physician, allied HP, theatre nurse) |
Part of mixed method study. Qualitative method: Unclear |
Smart simplicity model (to drive progress toward the common goal by cooperative process restructuring, allowing staff involved in the processes to explore jointly the approaches that were best supported by evidence) |
Clinical staff
NR |
Rath et al (India) Study period: 2014 to 201522 |
To document current practices, barriers and facilitators to adopting best practice guidelines and consequently make recommendations for improving the management of older adults with hip fracture | Healthcare professionals*: NR (*Involved in pre to postop hip fracture care and included clinical leads, residents, and nurses from orthopaedics, anaesthesia, geriatrics, medicine, and physiotherapy depts) |
Part of mixed method study. Qualitative method: open ended question interviews and focus group discussions to obtain information on existing care pathways within their hospital setting and potential barriers and facilitators to adopting best practices |
Behaviour change wheel framework COM model |
Healthcare professionals
Healthcare professionals
Gunningberg et al (Sweden) Study period: 200025 |
To investigate possible changes in nursing and treatment routines in pressure ulcer risk | Multiprofessional group*: 6 (*Ortho surgeon, nurses & technicians from ED, operation theatre, and ortho ward) |
Part of mixed method study. Qualitative method: focus group interviews to investigate possible changes in nursing and treatment routines |
Framework of the Plan-Do-Study-Act model & VIPS model based on four key concepts (wellbeing, respect for integrity, prevention, and safety) | Multiprofessional staff
Multiprofessional staff
Volkmer et al (UK) Study period: NR29 |
To explore physiotherapists’ perceptions of mechanisms to explain observed variation in early postoperative practice after hip fracture surgery demonstrated in a national audit. | Physiotherapists: 21 | Qualitative – one-to-one and semi-structured telephone interview. Open-ended questions about their experiences working with hip fracture patients; their views on potential reasons for reported variation in physiotherapy after hip fracture; the types of patients they treat, the structure of their service, the role of other healthcare professionals, patients and informal/formal carers in early recovery after hip fracture |
Normalization Process Theory | Physiotherapists
NR |
Jensen et al (Denmark) Study period: 201630 |
To use a Habermasian lens to illuminate health professionals' perspective of the gap between what the system provides, and patients’ needs and wishes, with a view to supporting patient empowerment. | Mixed group of health professionals*: 16 (*doctor in chief, leading orthopaedic doctor, nurses, endocrinologist, geriatricians, researchers, external observers, social and healthcare assistants, physiotherapists) |
Qualitative – three focus groups Open-ended questions which allowed participants to freely discuss their thoughts, perceptions and ideas on hip fracture care and generated follow-up questions |
Habermas' theoretical framework | Health professionals
Health professionals
Christie et al (UK) Study period: NR36 |
To explore a multidisciplinary collaborative approach to implementing evidence-based, person-centred hip fracture care. | Clinical leaders*: 16 (*From different disciplines and were knowledgeable in the field of hip fracture care and were in a position to influence others) |
Qualitative – data collected during eight two-hour action meetings | Collaborative inquiry approach (underpinned by the combination of critical theory and Habermas’ concept of lifeworld, Mezirow’ action orientated approach to learning from experience and Rogers’ humanistic psychology of person-centred practice) |
Clinical leaders
NR |
Schroeder et al (Israel) Study period: 202126 |
To understand the perspective of the patient’s experience of rehabilitation following hip fracture | Hip fracture Patients: 15 | Qualitative method: Open-ended questions semi-structured interviews and focus groups via video conference and telephone Questions were about the physical, emotional, personal goals of rehabilitation as well as the participant’s view of optimal timing for administration of the SF36 questionnaire. |
SF-36 model (used SF-36 questionnaire for patient reported outcome measurements) The Lincoln and Guba Framework |
Southwell et al (UK) UK Study period: NR27 |
To explore older adult’s perceptions of early rehabilitation and recovery after hip fracture, as a complement to the UK standards for acute physiotherapy after hip fracture. |
Hip fracture patients: 15 | Qualitative – In-depth semi-structured interviews with three open-ended questions on starting rehabilitation, rehabilitation activities and benefits, and challenges of rehabilitation for recovery). | Bury’s biographical disruption theoretical framework. | Patients
NR |
Asplin et al (Sweden) Study period: 201628 |
To explore patients’ experiences during inpatient rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery and the use of Traffic Light System -Basic ADL in their rehabilitation process | Hip fracture patients:19 | Qualitative – semi-structured interviews with questions on experiences of recovery and participation in their rehabilitation process including the use of TLS-BasicADL | Content analysis using Graneheim and Lundman method |
Segevall et al (Sweden) Study period: 2016 to 201731 |
To describe rural older people’s experiences of recovering after hip fracture surgery | Hip fracture patients: 13 | Qualitative –individual semi-structured interviews, according to Kvale and Brinkman method. Participants were asked to talk about the fall, how they perceived their hospital stay, and how their life now compares with how it was prior to the fall. |
Phenomenological content analysis using Catanzaro procedure. | Patients
NR |
Bruun-Olsen et al (Norway) Study period: NR32 |
To explore how elderly patients with hip fracture enrolled in an ongoing RCT have experienced their recovery process | Hip fracture patients: 8 | Qualitative – semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions on the issues related to their experiences of barriers and facilitators of the different stages in the recovery process | Phenomenological approach | Patients
Ivarsson et al (Sweden) Study period: NR33 |
To elucidate perceived situations of significance experienced by patients with hip fracture during the prehospital- and in-hospital care. | Hip fracture patients: 8 | Qualitative – semi- structured interviews with open-ended questions on their experiences as hip fracture patients | Critical incident technique approach | Patients
Gesar et al (Sweden) Study period: 201334 |
To explore healthy older patients’ perception of their own capacity to regain pre-fracture function in the acute phase (the first two to five days) after hip fracture surgery | Hip fracture patients: 30 | Qualitative - Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions to describe their hip fracture experiences and the possibilities of regaining functions and recovery after hip surgery. | Explorative inductive qualitative design. Data analyzed using manifest inductive content analysis |
Griffiths et al (UK) Study period: 201237 |
To explore what patients consider important when evaluating their recovery from hip fracture and to consider how these priorities could be used in the evaluation of the quality of hip fracture services. | Hip fracture Patients: 31 | Qualitative – semi- structured interviews to explore with patients and, where appropriate, their carers, what they consider to be important outcomes and to explore variation across this patient group. | NR | Patients
NR |
Olsson et al (Sweden) Study period: NR38 |
The aim of this study was to describe the hip fracture patients’ own perceptions of their situation and views of their responsibility in the rehabilitation process. | Hip fracture Patients: 13 | Qualitative – semi-structured interview questions, related to the informants’ perception of the transitional properties, | Phenomenographic analysis | Patients
Archibald et al (UK) Study period: 200139 |
This study was conducted to explore the experiences of individuals who had suffered a hip fracture to inform nursing practice. | Hip fracture Patients: 5 | In-depth, open-ended, unstructured interviews | Phenomenological methodology, grounded theory approach | Patients
Study number as per Supplementary Tables iv and v.
ADLs, activities of daily living; COM, capability, opportunity, and motivation; HP, healthcare professional; N/R, not reported; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TLS, traffic light system.
The qualitative studies were of poor (61%) or intermediate (39%) methodological quality. They were heterogenous in terms of study aims, types of healthcare professionals interviewed, timing of data collection from patients in relation to the hip fracture which could introduce recall bias, theoretical models/frameworks and content analyses. Furthermore, the nomenclature used in different studies made integration challenging, with different researchers using terms such as ‘themes’, ‘sub themes’, ‘categories’, and ‘sub-categories’ interchangeably across papers. This heterogeneity makes synthesis of the qualitative data challenging.
Nevertheless, we grouped 'themes' under headings: personal factors, injury related factors, care pathway factors, and areas indicting the need for new or different performance indicators (Supplementary Table xi). Several studies identified the need for education/training/guidance to raise awareness of the importance of performance indicators in hip fractures care. Other cross-cutting themes included the need for clarity of roles within the clinical team, the need for restructuring or integration of care pathways linked to performance indicators and the requirement for regulation of data and processes.
Although lived experience of hip fracture was the focus for many of the qualitative studies involving patients, the participants identified several themes relevant to the use of performance indicators. These studies report that the interpretation of healthcare performance was influenced by personal/social attitudes, including beliefs, perceptions, and fears. With regard to medical/hospital care, themes including the need for teamwork/multidisciplinary care, a supportive environment and information about patient progress in their recovery, with particular regard to information about rehabilitation. The patients expressed a desire to be kept informed about progression on the care pathway, as it related to their care in particular. These themes suggest the potential need for more patient-centred performance indicators, to address the complexity of patient needs and contextual elements such as trust, humanistic approach, multi morbidity, frailty, and psychosocial care, within care pathways. For example, regarding their expectations of meeting performance indicator targets, one patient quoted, “It is very important to ask patients what they want from the treatment, what the patient’s expectations are from the treatment, even though we are older women”.26 With regards to early mobilization one patient stated, “I thought I probably could have done more, but I didn’t know how much I should do, I left it to them”.24
Analyses of the qualitative data from eight studies involving healthcare professionals revealed several themes which could be subdivided at individual/personal, patient, and hospital/environmental levels. The healthcare professionals sought and found empowerment through the use of, and reporting of, performance indicators in hip fracture care. They felt able to use performance indicators to drive organizational restructuring and optimize multi-disciplinary team roles, as well as improving individual patient care. They also identified the need for training to change behaviour and achieve specific performance indicator targets. Healthcare professionals also expressed some concerns regarding the use of performance indicators in hip fracture care. These included suboptimal engagement of stakeholders, particularly patients and healthcare professionals, in the choice of performance indicators and the design of the clinical pathway. Leading to, for example, a lack of obvious links between performance indicators and patient-centred outcomes such as quality of care.
A common theme in both patient and healthcare professional interviews was the mismatch of expectations between patients and their carers and the clinical staff looking after them. This could lead to very different interpretations of data pertaining to performance indicators in the context of hip fracture. This mismatch was influenced by cultural attitudes to hip fracture and personal beliefs, for example the belief that older patients with hip fracture were less important than other trauma patients and therefore of a lower priority for urgent care. Other common themes included: the importance of psychological factors and motivation, assessments of general health risk, falls risk, discharge planning, and the provision of information to patients (Supplementary Table xi).
This mixed methods review summarizes the peer reviewed literature and provides a holistic overview on the use of performance indicators in hip fracture care. A total of 171 studies were conducted between the years 1981 and 2021 across 34 countries. Of these studies, 63% were published within the last eight years or so (between 2015 and 2023). Studies were heterogenous in design, health systems studied, and study periods.
There was considerable variation in the performance indicators used for hip fracture care and, where performance indicators were defined, considerable variation in the definitions used. This variation makes it difficult to compare and contrast the performance of healthcare centres and systems, both within a single country and between countries. Of the 241 performance indicators described, ‘time to surgery’ was mostly commonly used (83% of included studies). Other commonly used indicators were ‘time to mobilization post-surgery’, ‘orthogeriatric assessment’, and ‘bone health assessment’. Performance indicators related to acute care predominated, with very little attention given to post-acute care and rehabilitation.
The experiences of patients and healthcare professionals with regards to the use of performance indicators was generally poorly documented. However, common themes emerging from qualitative studies included the need for education/training/guidance on the use of performance indicators to facilitate positive behavioural and organizational change, and the need to link performance indicators to demonstrable improvements in patient-centred outcomes.
Performance indicators are increasingly collected as part of national hip fracture registries/audits. Some healthcare systems have gone further, linking healthcare funding to performance indicators such as ‘best practice tariffs’ or ‘pay for performance’ initiatives but data on the benefits of such schemes, in terms of patient outcomes and healthcare costs, are limited.7,186
This review is not without limitations. The variable terminology used in describing performance indicators – quality standards, quality indicators, performance indicators, performance metrics, etc – made it difficult to develop a comprehensive search strategy. We attempted to mitigate this using ‘snowballing’ methods, which included conducting an extensive review of reference lists from retrieved studies and by searching the associated grey literature. However, it is still possible that our search strategy missed relevant studies. The heterogeneity in the use of and definition of performance indicators for hip fracture care, precluded numerical synthesis of data from different studies, and hence the review is limited to a narrative summary.
In conclusion, the use of performance indictors to manage hip fracture care is increasing in healthcare systems around the world. Healthcare professionals clearly see value in collecting these data. However, there is great variation in the performance indicators used, and how these performance indicators are defined. While it is important that performance indicators are relevant to the healthcare system in which they are used, standardization of the terminology and definitions of the commonly used performance indicators in hip fracture care would facilitate evidence synthesis and comparisons both within and between healthcare systems. Evidence with regard to stakeholder experiences in the collection and management of performance indicators is lacking.
There remains a pressing need for further research into the use and standardization of performance indicators in hip fracture care and their influence on patient outcomes and economic costs. More robust studies are also required into the barriers and facilitators for the use of performance indicators, in different healthcare systems and in different countries. The use of performance indicators for hip fracture care in low- and middle-income settings is currently poorly documented.
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Author contributions
V. Mazarello Paes: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
A. Ting: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing
J. Masters: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing
M. V. I. Paes: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing
E. Tutton: Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review & editing
S. M. Graham: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review & editing
M. L. Costa: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Funding statement
The author(s) disclose receipt of the following financial or material support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: National Institute for Health and Care Research and Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
ICMJE COI statement
M. L. Costa reports that his employer, the University of Oxford, receives research grant funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and Wellcome for research into musculoskeletal trauma, which is unrelated to this work. J. Masters declares that the research was carried out at the NIHR and the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, which is related, and grant funding from the Academy of Medical Sciences, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, and AO UK, which is unrelated. V. Mazarello Paes discloses a grant from the NIHR (no. 203194), which is related to this study.
Data sharing
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in the published article and/or in the supplementary material.
This study has been delivered through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. We also acknowledge Ms Elinor Harriss’ help with the electronic database search strategy.
Open access funding
The open access fee was funded via the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) RIGHT HIPCARE grant no. 203194
Supplementary material
Tables showing: a) the search strategy; b) inclusion and exclusion criteria; c) summary of extracted data and quality assessment of various study designs (experimental, mixed methods, qualitative, before/after intervention, prospective/retrospective cohort studies and cross-sectional surveys); d) performance indicators/proxy performance indicators investigated via prospective cohort studies; and e) summary of themes from qualitative evidence from patients and healthcare professionals.
*HIPCARE collaboration investigators
Professor Matt Costa
Professor Irewin Tabu
Dr Dipendra Pandey
Professor Sunil Kumar Joshi
Professor Vijay Sharma
Dr Jagnoor Jagnoor
Dr Paphon Sa-ngasoongsong
Professor Quang La
Professor Nguyen Duc Chinh
Professor Cuong Pham V
Dr Juul Achten
Dr Duncan Appelbe
Mr Richard Grant
Dr Sofia Massa
Dr Corneliu Bolbocean
Professor Stavros Petrou
Professor David Keene
Dr Anna Palagyi
Dr Elizabeth Armstrong
Professor Rebecca Ivers
© 2025 Mazarello Paes et al, on behalf of the HIPCARE investigators* This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence, which permits the copying and redistribution of the work only, and provided the original author and source are credited. See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/