Aims. Paediatric
This observational cross-sectional study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) how has nonunion incidence developed from 2009 to 2019 in a nationwide cohort; 2) what is the age and sex distribution of nonunions for distinct anatomical nonunion localizations; and 3) how high were the costs for surgical nonunion treatment in a level 1 trauma centre in Germany? Data consisting of annual International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 diagnosis codes from German medical institutions from 2009 to 2019, provided by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis), were analyzed. Nonunion incidence was calculated for anatomical localization, sex, and age groups. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were determined and compared with a two-sample z-test. Diagnosis-related group (DRG)-reimbursement and length of hospital stay were retrospectively retrieved for each anatomical localization, considering 210 patients.Aims
A growing number of fractures progress to delayed or nonunion, causing significant morbidity and socioeconomic impact. Localized delivery of stem cells and subcutaneous parathyroid hormone (PTH) has been shown individually to accelerate bony regeneration. This study aimed to combine the therapies with the aim of upregulating fracture healing. A 1.5 mm femoral osteotomy (delayed union model) was created in 48 female juvenile Wistar rats, aged six to nine months, and stabilized using an external fixator. At day 0, animals were treated with intrafracture injections of 1 × 106 cells/kg bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suspended in fibrin, daily subcutaneous injections of high (100 μg/kg) or low (25 μg/kg) dose PTH 1-34, or a combination of PTH and MSCs. A group with an empty gap served as a control. Five weeks post-surgery, the femur was excised for radiological, histomorphometric, micro-CT, and mechanical analysis.Aims
The COVID-19 virus is a tremendous burden for the Italian health system. The regionally-based Italian National Health System has been reorganized. Hospitals' biggest challenge was to create new intensive care unit (ICU) beds, as the existing system was insufficient to meet new demand, especially in the most affected areas. Our institution in the Milan metropolitan area of Lombardy, the epicentre of the infection, was selected as one of the three regional hub for major trauma, serving a population of more than three million people. The aims were the increase the ICU beds and the rationalization of human and structural resources available for treating COVID-19 patients. In our hub hospital, the reorganization aimed to reduce the risk of infection and to obtained resources, in terms of beds and healthcare personnel to be use in the COVID-19 emergency. Non-urgent outpatient orthopaedic activity and elective surgery was also suspended. A training programme for healthcare personnel started immediately. Orthopaedic and radiological pathways dedicated to COVID-19 patients, or with possible infection, have been established. In our orthopaedic department, we passed from 70 to 26 beds. Our goal is to treat trauma surgery's patient in the “golden 72 hours” in order to reduce the overall hospital length of stay. We applied an objective priority system to manage the flow of surgical procedures in the emergency room based on clinical outcomes and guidelines. Organizing the present to face the emergency is a challenge, but in the global plan of changes in hospital management one must also think about the near future. We reported the Milan metropolitan area orthopaedic surgery management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our decisions are not based on scientific evidence; therefore, the decision on how reorganize hospitals will likely remain in the hands of individual countries.
Objectives. Osteosynthesis of anterior pubic ramus fractures using one large-diameter screw can be challenging in terms of both surgical procedure and fixation stability. Small-fragment screws have the advantage of following the pelvic cortex and being more flexible. The aim of the present study was to biomechanically compare retrograde intramedullary fixation of the superior pubic ramus using either one large- or two small-diameter screws. Materials and Methods. A total of 12 human cadaveric hemipelvises were analysed in a matched pair study design. Bone mineral density of the specimens was 68 mgHA/cm. 3. (standard deviation (. sd). 52). The anterior