There were 29 patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and 7 patients with congenital or infantile scoliosis. Z-scores from patients with neuromuscular scoliosis also included, 10 patients with cerebral palsy and 11 with muscular dystrophies (mainly Duchenne MD). There were also 3 patients with Neurofbromatosis and 8 patients with other conditions (miscellaneous). Outcome measures were bone mineral density in patients with different types of scoliosis in form of Z-scores.
Osteoporosis, the disease of aging, is a major health problem and its clinical end point: – Fracture is a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Osteoporosis is a silent, relentlessly progressive disease that is best treated by early diagnosis and prevention. To elucidate the predictors of fracture proneness in patients with osteoporosis the following study was undertaken. 32 patients with fractures of the hip and spine due to osteoporosis were studied with a control group of 30 patients with osteoporosis but no fractures. Osteoporosis was established by using the gold standard: Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Of the biochemical parameters studied lower values of, hemoglobin, total serum proteins &
albumin, and alkaline phosphatase were found along with higher values for serum tartarate resistant acid phosphatase, urinary hydroxy proline and acid phosphatase, in the fracture group when compared with the non fracture group. It was inferred that biochemical parameters are reliable indicators of fracture proneness in patients suffering with osteoporosis and also that in the treatment of osteoporosis, anemia and hypoproteinemia must also be considered and corrected.
In recent years, some attempts have been made to develop a method that generates finite element (FE) models of the femur and pelvis using CT. However, due to the complex bone geometry, most of these methods require an excessive amount of CT radiation dosage. Here we describe a method for generating accurate patient-specific FE models of the total hip using a small number of CT scans in order to reduce radiation exposure. A previously reported method for autogenerating patient-specific FE models of the femur was extended to include the pelvis. CT osteodensitometry was performed on 3 patients who had hip replacement surgery and patient-specific FE models of the total hip were generated. The pelvis was generated with a new technique that incorporated a mesh morphing method called ‘host mesh fitting’. It used an existing generic mesh and then morphed it to reflect the patient specific geometry. This can be used to morph the whole pelvis, but our patient dataset was limited to the acetabulum. An algorithm was developed that automated all the procedures involved in the fitting process. Average error between the fitted mesh and patient specific data sets for the femur was less than 1mm. The error for the pelvis was about 2.5mm. This was when a total 18 CT scans with 10mm gap were used – 12 of the femur, and 6 of the pelvis. There was no element distortion and a smooth element surface was achieved. Previously, we reported a new method for automatically generating a FE model of the femur with as few CT scans as possible. Here we describe a technique that customizes a generic pelvis mesh to patient-specific data sets. Thus we have developed a novel hybrid technique which can generate an accurate FE model of the total hip using significantly less CT scans. An automated method of generating FE models for the total hip with reduced CT radiation exposure will be a valuable clinical tool for surgeons.
In recent years, some attempts have been made to develop a method that generates finite element (FE) models of the femur and pelvis using CT. However, due to the complex bone geometry, most of these methods require an excessive amount of CT radiation dosage. Here we describe a method for generating accurate patient-specific FE models of the total hip using a small number of CT scans in order to reduce radiation exposure. A previously reported method for autogenerating patient-specific FE models of the femur was extended to include the pelvis. CT osteodensitometry was performed on 3 patients who had hip replacement surgery and patient-specific FE models of the total hip were generated. The pelvis was generated with a new technique that incorporated a mesh morphing method called ‘host mesh fitting’. It used an existing generic mesh and then morphed it to reflect the patient specific geometry. This can be used to morph the whole pelvis, but our patient dataset was limited to the acetabulum. An algorithm was developed that automated all the procedures involved in the fitting process. Average error between the fitted mesh and patient specific data sets for the femur was less than 1mm. The error for the pelvis was about 2.5mm. This was when a total 18 CT scans with 10mm gap were used – 12 of the femur, and 6 of the pelvis. There was no element distortion and a smooth element surface was achieved. Previously, we reported a new method for automatically generating a FE model of the femur with as few CT scans as possible. Here we describe a technique that customizes a generic pelvis mesh to patient-specific data sets. Thus we have developed a novel hybrid technique which can generate an accurate FE model of the total hip using significantly less CT scans.
Assessment of bone health is a multifaceted clinical process, incorporating biochemical and diagnostic tests that should be accurate and reproducible. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the reference standard for evaluation of bone mineral density, but has known limitations. Alternatives include quantitative CT (q-CT), MRI, and peripheral quantitative ultrasound (QUS). Radiofrequency echographic multispectrometry (REMS) is a new generation of ultrasound technology used for the assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) at axial sites that is as accurate as quality-assured DXA scans. It also provides an assessment of the quality of bone architecture. This will be of direct value and significance to orthopaedic surgeons when planning surgical procedures, including fracture fixation and surgery of the hip and spine, since BMD alone is a poor predictor of fracture risk. The various other fixed-site technologies such as high-resolution peripheral q-CT (HR-pQCT) and MRI offer no further significant prognostic advantages in terms of assessing bone structure and BMD to predict fracture risk. QUS was the only widely adopted non-fixed imaging option for bone health assessment, but it is not considered adequately accurate to provide a quantitative assessment of BMD or provide a prediction of fracture risk. In contrast, REMS has a robust evidence base that demonstrates its equivalence to DXA in determining BMD at axial sites. Fracture prediction using REMS, combining the output of fragility information and BMD, has been established as more accurate than when using BMD alone.Aims
Abstract. Objective. This study assesses the prevalence of major and minor discordance between hip and spine T scores using Radiofrequency Echographic Multi-spectrometry (REMS). REMS is a novel technology that uses ultrasound and radiofrequency analysis to measure bone density and bone fragility at the hip and lumbar spine. The objective was to compare the results with the existing literature on Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) the current “gold standard” for
Total disc replacement (TDR) is the gold standard for lumbar degenerative disc disease in selected patient groups. Traditional TDR designs benefit from a wealth of literature and use a polyethylene inlay pseudo-disc between two metal endplates. There is scarce literature for novel monomodular implants that form an artificial construct of woven annulus and central nucleus, providing physiological motion preservation. The aim was to compare the evolving changes to radiological position between monomodular and traditional implants and assess the relationship of migration with
Sarcopenia is a progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder that involves loss of muscle mass and function. It is associated with increased adverse outcomes including falls, functional decline, frailty and mortality and affects 65% of people over the age of 65 more than half of people aged 80 and above. The factors that cause and worsen sarcopenia are categorised into two groups. The primary aetiological factor is ageing and the secondary factors include disease, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. Sarcopenia is considered to be ‘primary' (or age-related) when no other specific cause is evident. However, a number of ‘secondary' factors may be present in addition to ageing. Sarcopenia can occur secondary to a systemic or inflammatory disease, including malignancy and organ failure. Physical inactivity is one of the major contributors to the development of sarcopenia, whether due to a sedentary lifestyle or to disease related immobility or disability. Furthermore, sarcopenia can develop as a result of inadequate protein consumption. Biomarkers are objective and quantifiable characteristics of physiological and pathophysiological processes. Biomarkers can be used to predict the development of sarcopenia in older susceptible adults and enable early interventions that can reduce the risk of physical disability, the co-morbidities associated with the loss of muscle mass and the poor health outcomes that result from sarcopenia. Non-invasive imaging technologies can be used as biomarkers to detect loss of skeletal muscle mass in sarcopenia include
There is limited literature available looking into circumstances surrounding the development of stress fracture of the medial and lateral malleoli after ankle replacement. We present the preliminary results of a prospective study examining the effect of ankle replacement upon local bone mineral density and the phenomenon of stress shielding. We aimed to assess the effect of ankle replacement loading of the medial and lateral malleoli, by analysing the Bone Mineral Density (BMD) of the medial and lateral malleoli before and after Mobility total ankle replacement. Ten consecutive patients undergoing Mobility total ankle replacement for osteoarthritis had pre-operative
Introduction: There is limited literature available looking into circumstances surrounding the development of stress fracture of the medial and lateral malleoli after ankle replacement. We present the preliminary results of a prospective study examining the effect of ankle replacement upon local bone mineral density and the phenomenon of stress shielding. Aim: To assess the effect of ankle replacement loading of the medial and lateral malleoli, by analysing the BMD of the medial and lateral malleoli before and after Mobility total ankle replacement. Methodology: Ten consecutive patients undergoing Mobility total ankle replacement for osteoarthritis had pre-operative
Introduction: There is limited literature available looking into circumstances surrounding the development of stress fracture of the medial and lateral malleoli after ankle replacement. We present the preliminary results of a prospective study examining the effect of ankle replacement upon local bone mineral density and the phenomenon of stress shielding. Aim: To assess the effect of ankle replacement loading of the medial and lateral malleoli, by analysing the BMD of the medial and lateral malleoli before and after Mobility total ankle replacement. Methodology: Ten consecutive patients undergoing Mobility total ankle replacement for osteoarthritis had pre-operative
Introduction: There is limited literature looking into the circumstances surrounding the development of stress fractures of the medial and lateral malleoli after ankle replacement. We present the preliminary results of a prospective study examining the effect of total ankle replacement (TAR) upon local bone mineral density (BMD) and the phenomenon of stress shielding. Aim: To assess the effect of TAR loading othe medial and lateral malleoli, by analysing the BMD of the medial and lateral malleoli before and after Mobility TAR. Methodology: Ten consecutive patients undergoing Mobility total ankle replacement for osteoarthritis had pre-operative
Introduction: There is a clear need for the development of more sensitive risk assessment tools for clinical predictors of fractures.
Architectural changes in occurring in the proximal femur (resorption) after total hip arthroplasty (due to stress shielding) continues to be a problem. In an attempt to reduce these bony changes the concept of short and femoral neck sparing stem designs have been advocated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early clinical and radiological results, especially stem fixation and bone remodeling of proximal femur after total hip arthroplasty. A total of forty-five patients (fifty-four hips) were included in the study. There were twenty men and twenty-five women. The mean age at the time of operation was 53.9 years (range, twenty-six to seventy-five years). Clinical and radiological evaluation were performed at each follow-up.
Periprosthetic fractures around the femur during and after total hip arthroplasty (THA) remain a common mode of failure. It is important therefore to recognise those factors that place patients at increased risk for development of this complication. Prevention of this complication, always trumps treatment. Risk factors can be stratified into: 1. Patient related factors; 2. Host bone and anatomical considerations; 3. Procedural related factors; and 4. Implant related factors. Patient Factors. There are several patient related factors that place patients at risk for development of a periprosthetic fracture during and after total hip arthroplasty. Metabolic bone disease, particularly osteoporosis increases the risk of periprosthetic fracture. In addition, patients that smoke, have long term steroid use or disuse, osteopenia due to inactivity should be identified. A metabolic bone work up and evaluation of bone mineralization with a
Proximal femur fractures are common in the elderly population. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between fracture type and proximal femoral geometric parameters. We retrospectively studied the electronic medical records of 85 elderly patients over 60 years of age who were admitted to the orthopedic department with hip fractures between January 2016 and January 2018 in a training and research hospital in Turkey. Age, fracture site, gender, implant type and proximal femoral geometry parameters (neck shaft angle [NSA], center edge angle [CEA], femoral head diameter [FHD], femoral neck diameter [FND], femoral neck axial length [FNAL], hip axial length [HAL], and femoral shaft diameter [FSD]) were recorded. Patients with femoral neck fractures and femur intertrochanteric fractures were divided into two groups. The relationship between proximal femoral geometric parameters and fracture types was examined. SPSS 25.0 (IBM Corparation, Armonk, New York, United States) program was used to analyze the variables. Independent samples t test was used to compare the fracture types according to NSA, FHD, FND and FSD variables. A statistically significant difference was found in FSD (p=0,002) and age (p=0,019). FSD and age were found to be greater in intertrochanteric fractures than neck fractures. Gender, site, CEA, FNAL, HAL, NSA, FHD and FND parametres were not significantly different. In the literature, it is seen that different results have been reached in different studies. In a study conducted in the Chinese population, a significant difference was found between the two groups in NSA, CEA and FNAL measurements. In a study conducted in the Korean population, a significant difference was found only in NSA measurements. The FSD is generally associated with
The aim of this study was to determine the biomechanical behavior of two different implants used in the fixation of proximal humerus fractures. The two implants in this study are specifically designed for the fixation of proximal humerus fractures and both utilize the concept of fixed angle locking screws.
Introduction. There is no published series described change in bone mineral density (BMD) after ankle replacement. We present the results of a prospective study examining the effect of total ankle replacement (TAR) upon local bone mineral density (BMD). Aim. To design a method and assess the effect of TAR loading on local ankle bones, by analysing the BMD of different area around ankle before and after Mobility TAR. Methods. 23 patients undergoing Mobility ankle arthroplasty for osteoarthritis had preoperative
The incidence of limb fractures in patients living with HIV (PLWH) is increasing. However, due to their immunodeficiency status, the operation and rehabilitation of these patients present unique challenges. Currently, it is urgent to establish a standardized perioperative rehabilitation plan based on the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS). This study aimed to validate the effectiveness of ERAS in the perioperative period of PLWH with limb fractures. A total of 120 PLWH with limb fractures, between January 2015 and December 2023, were included in this study. We established a multidisciplinary team to design and implement a standardized ERAS protocol. The demographic, surgical, clinical, and follow-up information of the patients were collected and analyzed retrospectively.Aims
Introduction. The purpose of this study was to establish whether men and women with a fragility hip fracture were equally investigated and treated for osteoporosis. Methods. A retrospective review was carried out including 91 patients (48 females, 43 males) who were admitted with a fragility hip fracture between March 2003 and April 2004. Data about age, sex, investigations and medication were collected from the case notes, GP surgeries and the