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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 77 - 77
7 Nov 2023
Dey R Nortje M du Toit F Grobler G Dower B
Full Access

Hip abductor tears(AT) have long been under-recognized, under-reported and under-treated. There is a paucity of data on the prevalence, morphology and associated factors. Patients with “rotator cuff tears of the hip” that are recognized and repaired during total hip arthroplasty(THA) report comparable outcomes to patients with intact abductor tendons at THA. The study was a retrospective review of 997 primary THA done by a single surgeon from 2012–2022. Incidental findings of AT identified during the anterolateral approach to the hip were documented with patient name, gender, age and diagnosis. The extent and size of the tears of the Gluteus medius and Minimus were recorded. Xrays and MRI's were collected for the 140 patients who had AT and matched 1:1 with respect to age and gender against 140 patients that had documented good muscle quality and integrity. Radiographic measurements (Neck shaft angle, inter-teardrop distance, Pelvis width, trochanteric width and irregularities, bodyweight moment arm and abductor moment arm) were compared between the 2 groups in an effort to determine if any radiographic feature would predict AT. The prevalence of AT were 14%. Females had statistically more tears than males(18vs10%), while patients over the age of 70y had statistically more tears overall(19,7vs10,4%), but also more Gluteus Medius tears specifically(13,9vs5,3%). Radiographic measurements did not statistically differ between the tear and control group, except for the presence of trochanteric irregularities. MRI's showed that 50% of AT were missed and subsequently identified during surgery. Abductor tears are still underrecognized and undertreated during THA which can results in inferior outcomes. The surgeon should have an high index of suspicion in elderly females with trochanteric irregularities and although an MRI for every patient won't be feasible, one should always be prepared and equipped to repair the abductor tendons during THA

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 92-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 188 - 188
1 Mar 2010
Claudio D Bremer A Kalberer F Pfirrmann C
Full Access

The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate muscle damage one year after anterior minimally invasive THA by MRI and to compare these findings with MRI investigations performed in asymptomatic patients one year after THA using a conventional direct lateral approach. Institutional review board approved this study and patients gave signed informed consent. The minimally invasive group consisted of a consecutive series of 25 patients 1 year after anterior minimally invasive THA. The historic control group consisted of a consecutive series of 25 asymptomatic patients (no pain, no limb, full abduction strength) 1 year after conventional THA. Excluded were patients having prior hip surgery or suffering lumbar spine pathology. Tendon defects and degenerations within the insertion of the Gluteus medius and minimus muscles as well as fatty atrophy within these muscles were recorded according to the protocol of Pfirrmann et al. A Mann-Whitney U Test, two sided t-test and Chi-square test were used for appropriate comparison of quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively. In terms of gender, age, BMI and side no significant differences were shown between the two groups. When compared to the conventional group, tendon defects, diameter changes and signal alterations of the Gluteus medius and minimus insertion were significantly less frequent in the minimally invasive group (p= 0.001–0.03). Fatty atrophy within the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius musculature was significantly less in the minimally-invasive group (p=0.001–0.04). In terms of structural damage to muscles and tendons of the hip abductors, the anterior minimally invasive approach proves to be less invasive than the direct lateral approach

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 101-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 30 - 30
1 Oct 2019
Antoniou J Gomes SK Zukor D Huk O Bergeron S Robbins SM
Full Access

Introduction. Gluteus medius is disrupted during lateral approach total hip arthroplasty (THA) which may impact its function and ability to control the pelvis. The objective was to compare gluteus medius activation and joint mechanics associated with a Trendelenburg sign (pelvic drop, trunk lean) during gait and hip abductor strength between patients that underwent lateral or posterior THA approaches one year post-surgery and healthy adults. Methods. Participants that underwent primary THA for hip osteoarthritis using lateral (n=21) or posterior (n=21) approaches, and healthy adults (n=21) were recruited for this cross-sectional study. Participants completed five walking trials. Surface electromyography captured gluteus medius activation. A 3-dimensional optical motion capture system measured frontal plane pelvic obliquity and lateral trunk lean angles. Participants performed maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) on a dynamometer to measure hip abductor torque. Characteristics from gait waveforms were identified using principal component analysis, and participant waveforms were scored against these characteristics to produce principal component scores. One-way analysis of variance and effect sizes (d) compared gait principal component scores and isometric hip abductor torque between groups. Results. Lateral THA group had statistically significant higher gluteus medius PC-scores indicating higher overall amplitudes during gait (p<0.01, d=0.97) and prolonged midstance activation (p=0.01, d=0.95) compared to the healthy group (Figure). There were no statistically significant (p>0.05) differences in pelvis or trunk angles. Isometric hip abductor torque was significantly (p=0.03, d=0.74) lower in the lateral THA than healthy group. There were no statistically significant differences between THA groups (d=0.27–0.50). Conclusions. Although the lateral THA group had lower abductor torque, there were no Trendelenburg signs during gait. Elevated gluteus medius activation in this group was a compensation for the weakness, and the muscle produced sufficient force to control the pelvis. Also, 1 year post-THA there were no statistically significant gait differences between lateral and posterior approaches. For any tables or figures, please contact the authors directly

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 100-B, Issue SUPP_9 | Pages 2 - 2
1 May 2018
Pay L Kloskowska P Morrissey D
Full Access

Introduction. Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a morphological hip joint deformity associated with pain and early degenerative changes. Cam-type FAI is prevalent in young male athletes. While biomechanical deficiencies (decreased hip muscle strength and range of motion (ROM)) have been associated with symptomatic cam-type FAI (sFAI), results have been conflicting and little is known about biomechanical characteristics during dynamic tasks. Objectives. (1) Compare coronal-plane hip muscle strength, activation and joint rotation during movement tasks in sFAI hips against healthy controls. (2) Investigate the effect of hip internal rotation ROM (IR-ROM) on these outcomes. Methods. 11 sFAI and 24 well-matched healthy control hips from 18 young adult male athletes were recruited (Table.1). Passive hip IR-ROM was measured with goniometry. Weight-normalised hip abductor and adductor isometric maximal voluntary contraction torques were quantified with handheld dynamometry. Gluteus medius and adductor longus activation and hip coronal-plane kinematics were collected with surface electromyography (EMG) and motion-capture during time-defined phases of sit-to-stand (Fig.1) and single-leg-squat (Fig.2) tasks. Effect of sFAI with hip IR-ROM as a separate independent variable was calculated with 1-way MANCOVA. Results. sFAI had significantly less IR-ROM (19.25°±5.94) than controls (28.83°±7.24) (p<0.001). During the sit-to-stand ascent phase, significantly more hip abduction (F=4.93, p=0.03) was observed in sFAI (13.06°±3.16) compared to controls (10.16°±3.72). With IR-ROM differences controlled for, significantly higher gluteus medius:adductor longus EMG activation ratio (F=4.32, p=0.046) was observed in the same phase in sFAI (0.16±0.34) compared to controls (−0.11±0.31). No other significant results were found. Conclusion. sFAI hips demonstrate altered muscle activation and movement patterns when ascending from seated positions compared to controls, with reduced hip IR-ROM in sFAI hips influencing findings. Abductor and adductor function imbalance may explain why sFAI increases risk of early degenerative changes. Despite study limitations (no imaging for sFAI diagnosis), these findings should be considered when optimising rehabilitation in this population. For any figures and tables, please contact the authors directly

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 312 - 312
1 May 2006
Dunbar J Craig R
Full Access

We describe a previously unreported technique of Z-lengthening for the treatment of refractory trochanteric bursitis and review the long-term outcomes for this procedure. Fifteen patients (17 hips) were diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis based on clinical criteria. These patients were found to be unresponsive to conservative treatment including multiple corticosteroids injections. “Snapping Hips” were excluded. All went on to have bursectomy and Z- lengthening of the iliotibial band. Harris Hip Scores were evaluated for before and after their operation as well as a standardised baseline questionnaire and examination. At mean follow up of 47 months following Z-lengthening, eight patients reported excellent results with complete resolution of symptoms, eight had good results with symptoms improved and one had a poor result. One patient required secondary repair of a tear in the tendon of gluteus minimus with a subsequent excellent result. The mean Harris Hip Score improved from 46 to 82 (p< 0.05). Bursectomy and Z-lengthening has been shown to be an effective and long-term operative solution for the treatment of refractory trochanteric bursitis when conservative measures have failed. Although the majority of patients had a successful outcome, not all respond well to this procedure and careful patient selection is recommended as well as a pre-operative MRI to rule out concomitant pathology such as a tear in the Gluteus medius or Gluteus minimus

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 99-B, Issue SUPP_6 | Pages 39 - 39
1 Mar 2017
Takao M Ogawa T Yokota F Otake Y Hamada H Sakai T Sato Y Sugano N
Full Access

Introduction. Patients with hip osteoarthritis have a substantial loss of muscular strength in the affected limb compared to the healthy limb preoperatively, but there is very little quantitative information available on preoperative muscle atrophy and degeneration and their influence on postoperative quality of life (QOL) and the risk of falls. The purpose of the present study were two folds; to assess muscle atrophy and degeneration of pelvis and thigh of patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis using computed tomography (CT) and to evaluate their impacts on postoperative QOL and the risk of falls. Methods. We used preoperative CT data of 20 patients who underwent primary total hip arthroplasty. The following 17 muscles were segmented with our developed semi-automated segmentation method: iliacus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, rectus femoris, tensor facia lata, adductors, pectinus, piriformis, obturator externus, obturator internus, semimenbranosus, semitendinosus, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis/intermedius (Fig. 1). Volume and radiological density of each muscle were measured. The ratio of those of affected limb to healthy limb was calculated. At the latest follow-up, the WOMAC score was collected and a history of falls after surgery was asked. The average follow- up period was 6 years. Comparison of the volume and radiological density of each muscle between affected and healthy limbs was performed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Correlations between the volume and radiological density of each muscle and each score of the WOMAC were evaluated with Spearman's correlation coefficient. The volume and radiological density of each muscle between patients with and without a history of falls were compared using Mann-Whitney U test. Results. 13 of 17 muscles showed significant decrease in muscle volume in affected limb compared to healthy limb. The mean muscle atrophy ratio was 18.6±7.1 (SD) % (0–28.3%). Iliacus, psoas, adductors and piriformis showed a significant volume reduction more than 25 %. All 17 muscles showed reduced radiological density along the affected limb compared to the healthy side. The difference was 8.7±4.2 (SD) Hounsfield units (3.2 to 16.4). Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus showed a significant decrease of radiological density more than 15 HU. The radiological density of gluteus minimus showed higher correlation (R>0.7) with physical function scores of WOMAC for descending stairs, rising from sitting, walking on flat surface, going shopping and rising from bed. Seven of 20 patients had a history of falls, who showed significant reduced radiological density of gluteus minimus and obturator internus compared to the 13 patients without a history of falls. Conclusion. Almost all muscles of pelvis and thigh along the affected limb showed marked atrophy and fatty degeneration compared to the healthy side. Especially, the degree of fatty degeneration of gluteus minimus showed significant impacts on postoperative physical function and the risk of falls of patients

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 88-B, Issue SUPP_I | Pages 76 - 76
1 Mar 2006
Kumar G Warren O Somashekar N Marston R
Full Access

31 patients, between the ages of 59 and 74 years, were referred to one onrthopaedic consultant as trochanteric bursitis. All were females. Of these 7 patients were diagnosed as osteoarthritis of the hip or underwent further investigations for spinal conditions. 24 patients were clinically diagnosed as trochanteric bursitis. All these patients had ultrasound examination of the hips by a radiologist with a special interest in musculoskeletal diseases. Except for one patient the rest had either gluteus medius inflammation or tears with or without involvement of gluteus minimus. All these patients with positive findings had 80mg of depomedrone injection under USG guidance. At 6 weeks follow up 21 had complete relief of symptoms. 4 had recurrence of symptoms at 3 months when they had another dose of depomedrone und USG guidance. At one year 18 were free of symptoms and the 3 with some recurrence of symptoms did not want any intervention. Discussion: Etiology of greater trochanteric pain syndrome has been a source of considerable debate. Empirical treatment with ‘blind’ steroid injection is the usual course of action. In unresolving trochanteric bursitis excision of trochanteric bursa has been advocated. Gluteus medius and minimus tears have been referred to as rotator cuff tears of the hip (1). Our study shows an association between trochanteric bursitis and ‘rotator cuff tears of hip’. Ultrasound guided steroid injection can give a better success rate of ‘hitting the right spot’. Further investigations are required to identify whether this association could be a cause and effect relationship

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 90-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 308 - 308
1 Jul 2008
Ghosh S Maffulli N Jones CW
Full Access

Introduction: We present here the clinical features and management strategies of patients with gluteus medius and minimus enthesopathy. Methodology: We studied seven patients with lateral hip pain and tenderness on palpation, worse over the tip of the greater trochanter. All of them had a positive Trendelenburg’s sign, and a transient relief of pain on injecting local anaesthetic in the abductor mechanism. All of these patients were tertiary referrals from the rheumatologists, who had at least once injected them with corticosteroids. Results: Four of these seven patients underwent exploration. An insertional tendinopathy of the abductors was noted in all the patients, and was debrided. Two of the patients had, in addition, a tear in the gluteus medius tendon, which was repaired. One patient had an injection of local anaesthetic and Aprotinin in the abductor mechanism with resolution of symptoms. Discussion: Gluteus medius and minimus enthesopathy is a distinct clinical entity. Although the condition has been described in the radiological literature, we were unable to find any reference to the orthopaedic management of this condition. We observed only a small number of patients, and we are thus unable to provide definite answers. Patients presenting with the above clinical features warrant consideration of the diagnosis of abductor enthesopathy. Ultrasound scan or MRI scan helps in confirming the diagnosis. At present, our management protocol involves injecting a local anaesthetic / Aprotinin in the abductor mechanism. However, we are cautious in injecting more than once, as, at operation, we have observed necrosis of the abductor mechanism at its insertion in two patients, similar to that described for Achilles tendon. If this fails, we undetake surgical exploration. The exact surgical procedure is difficult to predict and may involve debridement and repair of the pathological tendon

Bone & Joint Open
Vol. 2, Issue 1 | Pages 40 - 47
1 Jan 2021
Kivle K Lindland ES Mjaaland KE Svenningsen S Nordsletten L


The gluteus minimus (GMin) and gluteus medius (GMed) have unique structural and functional segments that may be affected to varying degrees, by end-stage osteoarthritis (OA) and normal ageing. We used data from patients with end-stage OA and matched healthy controls to 1) quantify the atrophy of the GMin and GMed in the two groups and 2) describe the distinct patterns of the fatty infiltration in the different segments of the GMin and GMed in the two groups.


A total of 39 patients with end-stage OA and 12 age- and sex frequency-matched healthy controls were prospectively enrolled in the study. Fatty infiltration within the different segments of the GMin and the GMed was assessed on MRI according to the semiquantitative classification system of Goutallier and normalized cross-sectional areas were measured.

Bone & Joint Research
Vol. 1, Issue 12 | Pages 324 - 332
1 Dec 2012
Verhelst L Guevara V De Schepper J Van Melkebeek J Pattyn C Audenaert EA

The aim of this review is to evaluate the current available literature evidencing on peri-articular hip endoscopy (the third compartment). A comprehensive approach has been set on reports dealing with endoscopic surgery for recalcitrant trochanteric bursitis, snapping hip (or coxa-saltans; external and internal), gluteus medius and minimus tears and endoscopy (or arthroscopy) after total hip arthroplasty. This information can be used to trigger further research, innovation and education in extra-articular hip endoscopy.