Summary Statement. Tandem stenosis is a prevalent condition in an Asian population with the narrowest cervical canal diameters and risk factors include advanced age and increased levels of
Purpose of the study: Missing a cervical stenosis in patients with
Aim: To assess the clinical effectiveness of X stop interspinous decompression device in patients with neurogenic claudication due to
Purpose of the study: Discal herniation is an exceptional cause of
The multimodal management of canal stenosis is increasing, and inhibitors of central sensitization are playing a crucial role in central sensitization processes. Pregabalin and gabapentin are antiepileptic drugs that reduce presynaptic excitability. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of pregabalin and gabapentin is effective in the symptomatic management of canal stenosis. A literature search was conducted in four databases. The inclusion criteria were studies that compared pregabalin or gabapentin with a control group in
Study Purpose. To examine the presence of radicular pain and its relationship to the degree of lumbar nerve root compression in patients with a degenerative lumbar spine condition about to undergo surgery for either lumbar disc prolapse or
Background: X stop interspinous decompression device has been used effectively in symptomatic patients with
Purpose: To measure outcome in patients undergoing decompression for
Purpose of the study: Surgery for
Aim: To measure the effect of X-stop interspinous decompression device on the dural sac and foraminal area at 6 and 24 months post operatively at the instrumented level in patients with symptomatic
Background. Acute lumbar radiculopathy is a very painful condition sometimes requiring admission for strong analgesia. Purpose. To evaluate the efficacy of distal nerve root blocks as an outpatient procedure for immediate pain relief. Methods. Local anaesthetic was injected in the distal nerve root areas of the leg and foot in the clinic in patients with lumbar radiculopathy who consented to the procedure. Results. There were 29 patients, 18 females and 11 males, aged 25 to 76 years. 13 patients had acute lumbar disc prolapse, 11 had
Background. Gore and Nadkarni described a ‘Gore sign’ of reproducing radiating leg pain by palpation of distal nerve root endings in the foot for L5 and S1 nerve roots in lumbar radiculopathy due to disc prolapse. Purpose. This sign was explored and observation of symptoms recorded. Results. There were 31 patients, 20 females and 11 males, aged 25 to 76 years. 13 patients had acute disc prolapse, 14 had
Meticulous haemostasis not only improves the operative field facilitating spinal surgery, but also diminishes chances of post-operative neurological complications from a compressive haematoma. Since being introduced in the 1940’s, implantable haemostats have proven a useful adjunct in achieving haemostasis with relatively few complications. However, their use in spaces bounded by bony architecture can lead to compressive effects on neurological structures. We present three cases of post-operative cauda equina syndrome – two cases following surgery for lumbar disc herniation and one case following surgery for
Patients with neurogenic claudication from
Purpose of the study: It is currently accepted (particularly since the work by Katz et al.) that a number of factors can potentially influence the functional outcome obtained after surgical treatment of
Background: Guidelines for the management of Low Back Pain (LBP) consistently recommend that the initial assessment focuses on the detection of serious spinal pathologies. In 1994 the UK Clinical Standards Advisory Group introduced the concept of “red flags”. One of these red flags is the first presentation of LBP in people over the age of 55 years. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of serious spinal pathologies in patients presenting with new onset of LBP over the age of 55 years. Method/Results: This was a prospective analysis of all patients presenting to a secondary care spinal triage service over a 3 year period (2005–2008). During the study period, in excess of 3000 patients were seen. Of these, a total of 70 patients presented with a first onset of LBP aged over 55 years and had no other red flags. Analysis of this group of patients revealed 2 serious spinal pathologies. Both of which were osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Both patients were over age 75. In addition 1 patient had severe central
Background. Unexplained pain is one of the most common complications after Oxford UKAs. We have retrospectively reviewed the patients who underwent Oxford UKAs and investigated those patients with prolonged pain and found that many of these patients had strong tenderness over the Hunter canal and they were well treated with Hunter canal block or administration of Pregabalin. We have checked the details of these prolonged pain and key to the treatment will be discussed. Methods. Between May 2006 and September 2014 we have performed 316 Oxford UKAs. There were 47 males and 269 females with average age of 70.4 years old (46–90). The patients were followed up for at least 6 months (6 months to 8.0 years, mean follow-up period of 3.1 years). The patients were examined both clinically and radiologically. Result. There were 30 knees (9.5%) that showed prolonged pain continuing more than 3 month after the operation(Fig.1). Of these 30 knees, 17 knees had strong tenderness over the Hunter canal, and many patients had numbness and radiating pain toward medial side of the lower extremities. They were diagnosed as having Hunter canal syndrome clinically. Of these 17 knees 5 were treated successfully with Hunter canal block with Lidocaine. Remaining 12 knees were treated with Pregabalin or with Tramadol. All but 1 knee, pain disappeared within 3 months after starting the treatment as we stated. There were 3 cases that were finally diagnosed as having
Objective: To present early results of a new technique of dynamic stabilisation of the lumbo-sacral spine. Design: Prospective study. Subjects: Between September 2000 and December 2001, 43 patients underwent posterior spinal stabilisation using the Dynamic Neutralisation System (DYNESYS) (Sulzer Medica). Outcome Measures: Oswestry Disability indices, complications, visual analogue pain scores, patient satisfaction. Results: The perceived indications were isolated degenerative disc disease (26), spondylolisthesis (8), degenerate adult scoliosis (4), failed Graf stabilisation (1),
Purpose: There are a wide variety of operative procedures for lumbar spinal canal stenosis. Bilateral fenestration, preserving the continuity of the lamina and spinous processes, has widely been employed in our department and its affiliated hospitals. The following questions are raised: Are decompressive effects of fenestration and spinal stability maintained without spinal fusion or instrumentation? In order to answer the questions, we compared the rates of revision after fenestration with those after laminectomy alone and decompressive surgery with spinal fusion. Materials and methods: The registry of spinal surgeries of our university and affiliated hospitals from 1988 to 1997 was consulted. During the first 5-years period 1159 patients underwent decompressive surgery. 908 of them had spondylosis and 251 had degenerative spondylolisthesis (DO) as a contributing factors of neural compression. Fenestration was done in 740 (81%) of patients with spondylosis and in 176 (70%) of patients with DO. Results: Regarding the whole series 31 out of 1159 patients had a revision. The revision rate was 2.7%. 15 out of 908 patients (1.7%) with spondylosis and 16 out of 251 patients (6.4%) with DO underwent revisions. 11 out of 740 (1.5%) with spondylosis and 11 out of 176 (6.3%) with DO underwent revisions after fenestration. No significant differences were found among the revision rate of fenestration, laminectomy and decompressive surgery with spinal fusion. Conclusion: The decompressive effect of fenestration was maintained long enough, even for degenerative spondylolisthesis. As a first operation spinal fusion is not necessarily indicated for
There are increasing opportunity of operative treatment for advanced aged patients with degenerative spinal disease aiming for better quality of life. We have studied such patients concerning operative result, complication and problem in pre- and peri- operative management, and achievement of their aims. Patients and Results: 1) 26 patients were analyzed; 16 males and 10 females, av. aged 82.3, pts of 19