Diagnostic wrist arthroscopy is considered the gold standard for evaluating wrist joint complaints. Although this tool is often used to diagnose and stage scapholunate ligament (SLL) lesions, reports about the possible findings and their clinical relevance are scarce. Therefore, this study describes the patient characteristics, arthroscopic findings, and treatment of patients who underwent diagnostic arthroscopy for suspected SLL injury. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients who underwent diagnostic wrist arthroscopy due to suspicion of a SLL lesion based on medical history, physical examination, and imaging. We systematically gathered arthroscopic findings and complications.Aims
The natural history of
Chauffeur fractures or isolated radial styloid fractures (IRSF) are known to be associated with scapholunate ligament (SL) injuries. Diagnosis without arthroscopic confirmation is difficult in acute fractures. Acute management of this injury with early repair may prevent the need for more complex reconstructive procedures for chronic injuries. We investigated if all IRSF should be assessed arthroscopically for concomitant SL injuries. We performed a prospective cohort study on patients above the age of 16, presenting to the Gold Coast University Hospital with an IRSF, over 2 years. Plain radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans were performed. All patients had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy performed in addition to an internal fixation of the IRSF. Patients were followed up for at least 3 months post operatively. SL repair was performed for all Geissler Grade 3/4 injuries. 10 consecutive patients were included in the study. There was no radiographic evidence of SL injuries in all patients. SL injuries were identified arthroscopically in 60% of patients and one third of these required surgical stabilisation. There were no post operative complications associated with wrist arthroscopy. We found that SL injuries occurred in 60% of IRSF and 20% of patients require surgical stabilisation. This finding is in line with the literature where SL injuries are reported in up to 40-80% of patients. Radiographic investigations were not reliable in predicting possible SL injuries in IRSF. However, no SL injuries were identified in undisplaced IRSF. In addition to identifying SL injuries, arthroscopy also aids in assisting and confirming the reduction of these intra-articular fractures. In conclusion, we should have a high index of suspicion of SL injury in IRSF. Arthroscopic assisted fixation should be considered in all displaced IRSF. This is a safe additional procedure which may prevent missed SL injuries and their potential sequelae.
The August 2015 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Scaphoid screws out?; Stiff fingers under the spotlight; Trigger finger: is complexity needed?; Do we really need to replace the base of the thumb?;
This study describes the introduction of a virtual pathway for the management of suspected scaphoid fractures and reports patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and satisfaction following treatment with this service. All adult patients that presented with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture that was not visible on presentation radiographs over a one-year period were eligible for inclusion in the pathway. Demographics, examination findings, clinical scaphoid score (CSS) and standard four view radiographs were collected at presentation. All radiographs were reviewed virtually by a single consultant hand surgeon, with patient-initiated follow-up on request. PROMs were assessed at a minimum of one year post presentation and included the QuickDASH, EQ-5D-5L, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and return to work. There were 221 patients referred to the virtual pathway. The mean age was 41 (range 16–87; SD 18.4 years) and there were 99 men (45%). There were 189 (86%) patients discharged with advice and 19 (9%) patients were recalled for clinical review (seven undisplaced scaphoid fractures, six other acute fractures of the hand or wrist, two
Wrist motion is achieved primarily via rotation at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. The contribution of each carpal bone to total range of motion has been previously investigated, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of each structure to global wrist motion. The objective of this comprehensive in-vitro biomechanical study was to determine the kinematics of the capitate, scaphoid and lunate during unconstrained simulated wrist flexion-extension. In addition, this study examined the effect of motion direction (i.e. flexion or extension) on the kinematics and contribution of the carpal bones. Seven fresh frozen cadaveric upper limb specimens (age: 67±18 yrs) were amputated mid-humerus, and the wrist flexors/extensors were exposed and sutured at their musculotendinous junctions. Each specimen was mounted on a wrist motion simulator in neutral forearm rotation with the elbow at 90° flexion. Passive flexion and extension motion of the wrist was simulated by moving a K-wire, inserted into the third metacarpal, through the flexion/extension motion arc at a speed of ∼5 mm/sec under muscle tone loads of 10N. Carpal kinematics were captured using optical tracking of bone fixated markers. Kinematic data was analysed from ±35° flexion/extension. Scaphoid and lunate motion differed between wrist flexion and extension, but correlated linearly (R‸2=0.99,0.97) with capitate motion. In wrist extension, the scaphoid (p=0.03) and lunate (p=0.01) extended 83±19% & 37±18% respectively relative to the capitate. In wrist flexion, the scaphoid (p=1.0) and lunate (p=0.01) flexed 95±20% and 70±12% respectively relative to the capitate. The ratio of carpal rotation to global wrist rotation decreased as the wrist moved from flexion to extension. The lunate rotates on average 46±25% less than the capitate and 35±31% less than the scaphoid during global wrist motion (p=0.01). The scaphoid rotates on average 11±19% less than the capitate during wrist flexion and extension (p=0.07). There was no difference in the contribution of carpal bone motion to global wrist motion during flexion (p=0.26) or extension (p=0.78). The capitate, lunate and scaphoid move synergistically throughout planar motions of the wrist. Our study found that both the scaphoid and lunate contributed at a greater degree during wrist flexion compared to extension, suggesting that the radiocarpal joint plays a more critical role in wrist flexion. Our results agree with previous studies demonstrating that the scaphoid and lunate do not contribute equally to wrist motion and do not function as a single unit during planar wrist motion. The large magnitude of differential rotation observed between the scaphoid and lunate may be responsible for the high incidence of
Wrist motion is achieved primarily via rotation at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. The contribution of each carpal bone to total range of motion has been previously investigated, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of each structure to global wrist motion. The objective of this comprehensive in-vitro biomechanical study was to determine the kinematics of the capitate, scaphoid and lunate during unconstrained simulated wrist flexion-extension. In addition, this study examined the effect of motion direction (i.e. flexion or extension) on the kinematics and contribution of the carpal bones. Seven fresh frozen cadaveric upper limb specimens (age: 67±18 yrs) were amputated mid-humerus, and the wrist flexors/extensors were exposed and sutured at their musculotendinous junctions. Each specimen was mounted on a wrist motion simulator in neutral forearm rotation with the elbow at 90° flexion. Passive flexion and extension motion of the wrist was simulated by moving a K-wire, inserted into the third metacarpal, through the flexion/extension motion arc at a speed of ∼5 mm/sec under muscle tone loads of 10N. Carpal kinematics were captured using optical tracking of bone fixated markers. Kinematic data was analysed from ±35° flexion/extension. Scaphoid and lunate motion differed between wrist flexion and extension, but correlated linearly (R^2=0.99,0.97) with capitate motion. In wrist extension, the scaphoid (p=0.03) and lunate (p=0.01) extended 83±19% & 37±18% respectively relative to the capitate. In wrist flexion, the scaphoid (p=1.0) and lunate (p=0.01) flexed 95±20% and 70±12% respectively relative to the capitate. The ratio of carpal rotation to global wrist rotation decreased as the wrist moved from flexion to extension. The lunate rotates on average 46±25% less than the capitate and 35±31% less than the scaphoid during global wrist motion (p=0.01). The scaphoid rotates on average 11±19% less than the capitate during wrist flexion and extension (p=0.07). There was no difference in the contribution of carpal bone motion to global wrist motion during flexion (p=0.26) or extension (p=0.78). The capitate, lunate and scaphoid move synergistically throughout planar motions of the wrist. Our study found that both the scaphoid and lunate contributed at a greater degree during wrist flexion compared to extension, suggesting that the radiocarpal joint plays a more critical role in wrist flexion. Our results agree with previous studies demonstrating that the scaphoid and lunate do not contribute equally to wrist motion and do not function as a single unit during planar wrist motion. The large magnitude of differential rotation observed between the scaphoid and lunate may be responsible for the high incidence of
We present an anatomical study and the description of a new surgical technique for the arthroscopic treatment of
The treatment of
To determine the role of early MRI in the management of suspected scaphoid fractures. A total of 337 consecutive patients presenting to an emergency department (ED) following wrist trauma over a 12-month period were prospectively included in this service evaluation project. MRI was not required in 62 patients with clear diagnoses, and 17 patients were not managed as per pathway, leaving a total of 258 patients with normal scaphoid series radiographs who were then referred directly from ED for an acute wrist MRI scan. Patient demographics, clinical details, outcomes, and complications were recorded at a minimum of a year following injury.Aims
The December 2013 Wrist &
Hand Roundup360 looks at: Scapholunate instability; three-ligament tenodesis; Pronator quadratus; Proximal row carpectomy; FPL dysfunction after volar plate fixation; Locating the thenar branch of the median nerve; Metallosis CMCJ arthroplasties; and timing of flap reconstruction