Collagenase represents a novel non-surgical treatment for Dupuytrens disease. Xiapex (Injectable collagenase, Pfizer pharmaceuticals) was recently approved by the MHRA for clinical use. The main objective of this study was to assess the proportion of patients with Dupuytrens disease that are suitable for treatment with collagenase and the financial implications of its introduction. All new patients diagnosed with Dupuytrens disease over a three month period (Sept-Nov) were enrolled into study. Patients were assessed in clinic by a senior surgeon. All patients with a palpable Dupuytrens cord without significant skin tethering were offered collagenase. Comparisons were made with the corresponding quarter in the previous 2 years. Management trends were compared over the three years (2009–11) to identify the impact of collagenase. Cost effectiveness analysis was based on a comparison with costs incurred by a fasiectomy, the most common intervention in the management of Dupuytrens disease.Background