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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_7 | Pages 20 - 20
8 May 2024
Eyre-Brook A Ring J Gadd R Davies H Chadwick C Davies M Blundell C
Full Access


Ankle fractures in the elderly are an increasing problem with our aging population. Options for treatment include non-operative and operative with a range of techniques available. Failure of treatment can lead to significant complications, morbidity and poor function. We compared the outcomes of two operative techniques, intramedullary hindfoot nailing (IMN) and fibular-pro-tibia fixation (FPT). This is the largest analysis of these techniques and there are no comparative studies published.


We retrospectively reviewed patients over the age of 60 with ankle fractures who were treated operatively between 2012 and 2017. We identified 1417 cases, including 27 patients treated with IMN and 41 treated with FPT. Age, sex, co-morbidities and injury pattern were collected. Primary outcome was re-operation rate. Secondary outcomes included other complications, length of stay and functional status.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_6 | Pages 20 - 20
2 May 2024
Khaled A Eyre-Brook A Petrie M Gordon A Harrison T Salih S
Full Access

The benefits of cell salvage autotransfusion are well reported. There is a common non-evidenced belief amongst revision arthroplasty surgeons that auto-transfusion is potentially contraindicated in infected revisions.

The aim is to study the immediate and delayed outcomes of using cell saver on patients undergoing PJI surgery.

Prospective cohort service evaluation registered with the local audit department. 20 PJI cases in 18 patients where cell saver was used over a period of 4 years. Intraoperative fluid and tissue samples were taken for culture. Blood culture from salvaged blood pre and post leucodepletion filter were sent for microbiological analysis. Data on type of surgery, blood loss, further allogenic transfusion and SIRS response was collected. Success of infection clearance was assessed using 2019 MSIS ORT. Five patients receiving autologous blood in non-infection cases were used as controls.

Mean age for the PJI group was 67.7 years, 67% female. 11 patients (67%) had 1st stage surgery and 5 (25%) underwent 2nd stage whereas 4 patients had single stage surgery. The mean calculated blood loss was 1398 mls (range 400–3000mls). 6 Patients required further allogenic transfusion. 16 patients received blood via a leuco-depletion filter. The same organism grown from tissues was identified in post-filter blood in 8/17 patients (47%).

2/20 have grown a different organism in post-filtered blood, _P.Acne._

2 patients developed SIRS upon auto-transfusion, however one was thought to be secondary to cementing. The control group had 443 mls mean amount of blood loss and 1 patient developed a SIRS response.

14/20 (70%) patients had successful clearance of infection (tier 1) 2 patients died prior to undergoing 2nd stage.

Using cell saver did not impact main outcome of infection clearance in PJI surgery. We would advocate its routine usage whilst avoiding direct collection of heavily contaminated blood.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 103-B, Issue SUPP_16 | Pages 71 - 71
1 Dec 2021
Giles W Komperla S Flatt E Gandhi M Eyre-Brook A Jones V Papanna M Eves T Thyagarajan D
Full Access



The incidence of reverse total shoulder replacement (rTSR) implantation is increasing globally, but apprehension exists regarding complications and associated challenges. We retrospectively analysed the senior author's series of rTSR from a tertiary centre using the VAIOS shoulder system, a modular 4th generation implant. We hypothesised that the revision rTSR cohort would have less favourable outcomes and more complications.


114 patients underwent rTSR with the VAIOS system, over 7 years. The primary outcome was implant survival. Secondary outcomes were Oxford shoulder scores (OSS), radiographic analysis (scapular notching, tuberosity osteolysis, and periprosthetic radiolucent lines) and complications.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 97-B, Issue SUPP_12 | Pages 22 - 22
1 Nov 2015
Eyre-Brook A Pearce A Lyle N Stranks G Briant-Evans T
Full Access


The prevalence of adverse reactions to metal debris around metal-on-metal (MOM) hip replacements has been reported to range from 7 to 69%. Little has been published on MRI scans with conventional total hip bearing surfaces. This study aimed to establish the prevalence of soft tissue lesions associated with metal-on-polyethylene (MOP) and ceramic-on-ceramic (COC) bearings, compared to MOM prostheses.

Patients/Materials & Methods

All Metal Artefact Reduction Sequence (MARS) MRI scans for MOM THRs performed at our unit from January 2009 to present were reviewed, identifying those with contralateral primary MOP or COC THRs included on the scan. These were compared to a previously analysed cohort of 281 MOM THRs. Scans were classified using the Modified Oxford Classification as ‘Normal’, ‘Trochanteric Fluid’, ‘Effusions’ or Adverse Reactions to Debris.