For every case the implants were planned with a total leg x-ray and manufactured (Link). The implants were removed and the knee and hip joint prepared. The approach was performed with two incisions (knee, hip) to reduce the invasivity. The implantation started with the knee implants connected with the intramedullary rod and was finished with the hip implants. Postoperative weight bearing was following pain.
The pain diminuished significant in all patients in the questionnaires and the pain medication could be reduced substantially. All patients gained mobility already three months after the procedure, every patient could walk with crutches. No patients needed to be reoperated in the follow-up period. Every patient could keep the mobility over the the follow-up time. Two patients reported some pain in the knee. Radiologically the defects of the femur were partially consolidated and we could not see further bone loss.
At the end of the interview every person/patient was asked for a statement about their understanding, formulations, difficulties with the ‚pationnaire’, missing questions and general impression.