Aims: 1. To assess the results and the effectiveness in the treatment of the complete articular fractures of the distal radius (23-C of MY̌ller), treated surgically with external þxation or osteosynthesis. 2. To support or refuse (conþrm or deny) the hypothesis that the treatment with external þxation is more efþcient, and less expensive, than the treatment with plate osteosynthesis. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the classiþcation of the fractures of long bones in segment 23. Material and Method: We study 733 fractures recorded in the AOI Documentation Center, 474 of which were treated with external þxation, while 259 were treated with osteosyn-thesis with plate. We study the variables of Sheets A (þliation) and C (follow-up) statistically. Results: From Sheet A we found statistic signiþcance differences in the age between sexes, but not between both treatments, local associated injuries (þxation >
plate), associated treatment and reduction (þxation <
plate), a better stability for the þxation, higher proportion of senior surgeon, general anaesthesia, antibiotic treatment and associated therapies for the plate group. In post-operative functional treatment, the external þxation group was better than the osteosynthesis. From Sheet C (follow-up), the group treated with osteosynthesis was far better than external þxation group in all of the variables. Conclusions: 1- The classiþcation of fractures of long bones, follows a gradient of increasing gravity. 2- The setting of the bone fracture was far better in the group treated with plate osteosynthesis, than in the group treated with external þxation, regardless of the group of fracture. 3- The þnal result is remarkably better in the group of plate osteosynthesis. 4- The ORIF with osteosynthesis has favoured a more frequent use of the bone grafting. 5- The þnal total cost of the treatment is much higher in the external þxation group. 6- We will use the external þxation in open fractures (open G-II-III), or with fragments not synthesing for theit size.