To present the results of femoral fracture treatment with long cephalomedullary nails. We used long cephalomedullary nails for the treatment of certain femoral fractures. There were 30 fractures in 30 patients (12 male – 18 female), age from 32 to 87 years old, operated in our department in a 9 year period (1998 to 2007). The fractures were classified as follows: combined fractures 10 (Ia: 4, IIa:3, IIb: 3 according to Lampiris’ classification), subtrochanteric fractures 18 (IIa:2, IIb:1, IIIa:3, IIIb:7, IV:3, V:2 according to Seinsheimer’s classification), periprothetic fractures 2 (previous nailing with short g-nail). One fracture was open grade II according to Gustilo’s classification and a pathologic fracture (metastatic Ca). We used 13 long trochanteric g-nails, 14 long gamma-3 nails and 3 long Super nails. All nails were statically locked. The patients were allowed partial weight bearing since 2nd post-op day. Average hospital stay: 8 days. Patient X-rays were reviewed monthly until fracture healing. In one case, the nail was dynamised in the 2nd post op month. All fractures healed in 3–5 months (average: 17 weeks). There was no functional deficit. The treatment of combined and subtrochanteric femoral fractures with long cephalomedullary nails is a safe and reliable choice. It ensures early mobilization and excellent functional outcome
Wound healing was achieved in 45 cases. Delayed skin surgical closure was needed in 12 cases. Needle infection rate was 27%, while in 4 cases there was deep infection and needles were removed.