Objective: To determine the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)1 in chronic low back pain patients (CLBP) presenting for physiotherapy.
Subjects: CLBP patients presenting for their first assessment at an outpatient physiotherapy department were used (N = 105; 60% male; M age = 41 yrs; SD ± 10).
Design: A factor analysis, using varimax rotation, was performed on patients’ responses to the CSQ. Factors emerging with eigenvalues of ≥1 were considered. A coping strategy was included in a factor if it correlated with the factor at a level greater than 0.6.
Results: Three factors accounted for 70% of the variance in questionnaire responses. Factor 1, labeled Adaptive Coping, accounted for 35% of the variance and comprised the subscales for reinterpreting pain sensations, ignoring pain sensations, and coping self-statements. Factor 2, labeled Maladaptive Coping, accounted for 23% of the variance and comprised the subscales for diverting attention, catastrophizing, praying or hoping, and behavioural coping styles. The final factor, labeled Efficacy of Pain Management, accounted for 12% of the variance and comprised the two single-item scales. Adaptive Coping was positively correlated with Maladaptive Coping (r = 0.37, P <
0.01). Efficacy of Pain Management was positively correlated with Adaptive Coping (r = 0.28, P <
0.01). A non-significant negative correlation was found between Maladaptive Coping and Efficacy of Pain Management (r = −0.03, P >
Conclusion: Three underlying factors, labelled Adaptive Coping, Maladaptive Coping, and Efficacy of Pain Management accounted for 70% of the variance in questionnaire responses.