Aims. The first metatarsal pronation deformity of hallux valgus feet is widely recognized. However, its assessment relies mostly on 3D standing CT scans. Two radiological signs, the first metatarsal round head (RH) and inferior tuberosity position (ITP), have been described, but are seldom used to aid in diagnosis. This study was undertaken to determine the reliability and validity of these two signs for a more convenient and affordable preoperative assessment and postoperative comparison. Methods. A total of 200 feet were randomly selected from the radiograph archives of a foot and ankle clinic. An anteroposterior view of both feet was taken while standing on the same x-ray platform. The
Aims. The purpose of this study is to examine the adductus impact on the second metatarsal by the nonosteotomy nonarthrodesis syndesmosis procedure for the hallux valgus deformity correction, and how it would affect the mechanical function of the forefoot in walking. For correcting the metatarsus primus varus deformity of hallux valgus feet, the syndesmosis procedure binds first metatarsal to the second metatarsal with intermetatarsal cerclage sutures. Methods. We reviewed clinical records of a single surgical practice from its entire 2014 calendar year. In total, 71 patients (121 surgical feet) qualified for the study with a mean follow-up of 20.3 months (SD 6.2). We measured their metatarsus adductus angle with the Sgarlato’s method (SMAA), and the
To evaluate how fore- and midfoot coronal plane alignment differs in feet with hallux valgus (HV), using 3DCT when measured in standard weightbearing (SWB) versus sesamoid view (SV) position, and to determine whether first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) dorsiflexion affects the relationship between the first metatarsal (M1) head and the sesamoid bones. A consecutive series of 34 feet that underwent 3DCT in SWB and SV positions for symptomatic HV was assessed, of which four feet were excluded for distorted or incomplete images. Two foot and ankle clinicians independently digitized a series of points, and measured a series of angles according to a pre-defined protocol. Measurements include navicular pronation angle, M1 head (Saltzman angle), and metatarsosesamoid rotation angle (MSRA).Aims
The August 2012 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: calcaneocuboid distraction arthrodesis with allograft for acquired flatfoot; direct repair of the plantar plate; thromboembolism after fixation of the fractured ankle; weight loss after ankle surgery; Haglund’s syndrome and three-portal endoscopic surgery; Keller’s procedure; arthroscopy of the first MTPJ; and Doppler spectra in Charcot arthropathy.
The February 2015 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Syndesmosis screw removal in randomised controlled trial; Diagnostic value of Hawkins sign; Chevron rules supreme?; Diabetes and ankle replacement; Fixed-bearing ankle replacement; Fusion for osteomyelitis of the ankle; ‘Reformed’ fallers.
The June 2014 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: peroneal tendon tears associated with calcaneal fractures; syndesmosis procedure for first ray deformities; thromboprophylaxis not necessary in elective Ilizarov surgery; ankle replacement gaining traction in academic centres; some evidence for PRP and; fusion nailing and osteotomy an effective treatment for symptomatic tibial malunion
The February 2014 Foot &
Ankle Roundup360 looks at: optimal medial malleolar fixation; resurfacing in the talus; predicting outcome in mobility ankles; whether mal-aligned ankles can be successfully replaced; cartilage colonisation in bipolar ankle grafts; CTs and proof of fusion; recalcitrant Achilles tendinopathy; and recurrent fifth metatarsal stress fractures.
The aetiology of hallux valgus is almost certainly multifactoral.
The biomechanics of the first ray is a common factor to most. There
is very little literature examining the anatomy of the proximal
metatarsal articular surface and its relationship to hallux valgus
deformity. We examined 42 feet from 23 specimens in this anatomical dissection