The purpose of this prospective audit was to assess the efficacy of local infiltration analgesia in relieving postoperative pain following knee replacement surgery.
An isolated avulsion fracture of the peroneus longus tendon is seldom seen and potentially can go undiagnosed using basic imaging methods during an initial emergency visit. If not managed appropriately it can lead to chronic pain, a reduced range of motions and eventually affect mobility. This article brings to light the
Abstract. BACKGROUND. The
Aim. Multidisciplinary team (MDT) management of complex bone and joint infections (BJI) is increasingly implemented but studies evaluating this approach are scarce. We assessed the
Abstract. Objectives. To compare the
Purposes of the study and background. Pain of lumbar facet-joint origin is a common cause of low back pain in adults, and may lead to chronic pain and disability. At present, there is no definitive research to support the use of targeted lumbar facet-joint injections to manage this pain. The study's objective was to assess the feasibility of carrying out a definitive study to evaluate the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of lumbar facet-joint injections compared to a sham procedure. Summary of methods and results. This was a blinded parallel two-arm pilot randomised controlled trial. Adult patients referred to the pain and orthopaedic clinics at Barts Health NHS Trust with non-specific low back pain of at least three months' duration were considered for inclusion. Participants who had a positive result following diagnostic single medial branch nerve blocks were randomised to receive either intra-articular lumbar facet-joint injections with steroid or a sham procedure. All participants were invited to attend a combined physical and psychological programme. Questionnaires were used to assess a range of pain and disability-related issues. Healthcare utilisation and cost data were also assessed. Of 628 participants screened for eligibility, 9 were randomised to receive the study intervention and 8 participants completed the study. Conclusions. Due to the small numbers of participants recruited to the study, we were unable to draw any conclusions on the
There remains much debate regarding the optimal method for surgical management of patients with long head of biceps pathology. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of tenotomy versus tenodesis. This systematic review and meta-analysis was registered on PROSPERO (ref: CRD42020198658). Electronic databases searched included EMBASE, Medline, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing tenotomy versus tenodesis were included. Risk of bias within studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias v2.0 tool and the Jadad score. The primary outcome included patient reported functional outcome measures pooled using standardized mean difference (SMD) and a random effects model. Secondary outcome measures included pain (visual analogue scale VAS), rate of Popeye deformity, and operative time. 860 patients from 11 RCTs (426 tenotomy vs 434 tenodesis) were included in the meta-analysis. Pooled analysis of all PROMs data demonstrated comparable outcomes between tenotomy vs tenodesis (SMD 0.14, 95% CI −0.04 to 0.32; p=0.13). Sensitivity analysis comparing RCTs involving patients with and without an intact rotator cuff did not change the primary outcome. There was no significant difference for pain (VAS). Tenodesis resulted in a lower rate of Popeye deformity (OR 0.29, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.45, p < 0.00001). Tenotomy demonstrated a shorter operative time (MD 15.21, 95% CI 1.06 to 29.36, p < 0.00001). Aside from a lower rate of cosmetic deformity, tenodesis yielded no measurable significant benefit to tenotomy for addressing pathology in the long head of biceps. A large multi-centre clinical
Background. Treatment of staphylococcal prosthetic joint infection (PJI) usually consists of surgical debridement and prolonged rifampicin combination therapy. Tailored antimicrobial treatment alternatives are needed due to frequent side effects and drug-drug interactions with rifampicin combination therapy. We aimed to assess the
Introduction and Objective. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is used across surgical specialties to reduce perioperative bleeding. It has been shown to be effective in trauma, spinal surgery, and lower limb arthroplasty. The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical
Summary. Bi-plane Image matching method is very useful technique to evaluate the loaded 3D motion of each cervical level. Introduction. Cervical orthoses are commonly used to regulate the motion of cervical spines for conservative treatment of injuries and for post-operative immobilization. Previous studies have reported the efficacy of orthoses for 2D flex-extension or 3D motions of the entire cervical spine. However, the ability of cervical orthoses to reduce motion might be different at each intervertebral level and for different types of motion (flexion-extension, rotation, lateral bending). The
Background. Partial facetectomies with pedicle screw instrumentation is widespread and a well described technique for achieving posterior correction of scoliosis. Newton et al. first described the use of the UBS in the posterior correction of AIS in 2014. The aim of this study was to compare the
Introduction. In my paediatric Orthopaedic practice I use Kirchner wires for the fixation of the TSF on bone. I noted a significant percentage of wire loosening during the post-operative period. The aim of this project was to establish the
Introduction. Circumferential periosteal release is a rarely reported procedure for paediatric limb lengthening. The technique involves circumferential excision of a strip of periosteum from the metaphysis of the distal femur, tibia and fibula. This study aims to determine the mid to long-term
Background and objectives. The Alexander Technique (AT) is a self-care method usually taught in one-to-one lessons. AT lessons have been shown to be helpful in managing long-term health-related conditions (Int J Clin Pract 2012;66:98−112). This systematic review aims to draw together evidence of the
Introduction. Cervical orthoses are commonly used to regulate the motion of cervical spines for conservative treatment of injuries and for post-operative immobilization. Previous studies have reported the efficacy of orthoses for 2D flex-extension or 3D motions of the entire cervical spine. However, the ability of cervical orthoses to reduce motion might be different at each intervertebral level and for different types of motion (flexion-extension, rotation, lateral bending). The
Purpose: The purpose of our study is to compare hips to knees in regards to the cost per increase in function, to determine the relationship of economic investment to improved quality of life. Method: During the year 2005, a total of 23 TKA and 41 THA revisions were performed for aseptic mechanical failure. Patients were enrolled prospectively and quality of life questionnaires including the SF-36, WOMAC, Harris Hip Score (HHS), and Knee Society Score (KSS) were collected prior to and following their procedure at two year follow-up. The total cost of the procedure including the hospital, implant, and surgeon fee were implemented in a cost
Posterolateral spinal fusion (PSLSF) in rabbits is a challenging model for bone substitutes because the transverse processes are extremely thin and the space to be filled with bone is greater than critical and meiopragic in terms of vascularity. Several investigators have shown beneficial effects of PRP in bone and soft-tissue healing processes. However, controversial results have been reported in clinical setting analysing the
Valgus knee unloader braces are often prescribed as treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA). These braces are designed to redistribute the loading in the knee, thereby reducing medial contact forces. Patient response to bracing is variable; some patients experience improvements in joint loading, pain, and function, others see little to no effect. We hypothesised that patients who experienced beneficial response to the brace, measured by reductions in medial contact force, could be predicted based on static and dynamic measures. Participants completed a WOMAC questionnaire and walked overground with and without an OA Assist knee brace in a motion capture lab. Eighteen patients with medial compartment OA (8 female, 53.8±7.0 years, BMI 30.3±4.1, median Kellgren-Lawrence grade 4 (range 1–4)) were evaluated. The abduction moment applied by the brace was estimated by multiplying brace deflection by the pre-determined brace stiffness. A generic musculoskeletal model was scaled for each participant based on standing full length radiographs and anatomical markers. Inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics, residual reduction, and muscle analysis were completed in OpenSim 3.2. A static optimisation was then performed to estimate muscle forces and then tibiofemoral contact forces were calculated. Brace
Economic evaluation of surgical procedures is necessary in view of emerging, often more expensive newer techniques and the budget constraints in an increasingly cost conscious NHS. The purpose of the study was to compare the cost
Background. Collagenase represents a novel non-surgical treatment for Dupuytrens disease. Xiapex (Injectable collagenase, Pfizer pharmaceuticals) was recently approved by the MHRA for clinical use. The main objective of this study was to assess the proportion of patients with Dupuytrens disease that are suitable for treatment with collagenase and the financial implications of its introduction. Methods. All new patients diagnosed with Dupuytrens disease over a three month period (Sept-Nov) were enrolled into study. Patients were assessed in clinic by a senior surgeon. All patients with a palpable Dupuytrens cord without significant skin tethering were offered collagenase. Comparisons were made with the corresponding quarter in the previous 2 years. Management trends were compared over the three years (2009–11) to identify the impact of collagenase. Cost