Following the publication in 2007 of the guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism (VTE) for patients undergoing surgery, concerns were raised by British orthopaedic surgeons as to the appropriateness of the recommendations for their clinical practice. In order to address these concerns NICE and the
Two discrete legal factors enable the surgeon to treat an injured patient the fully informed, autonomous consent of the adult patient with capacity via civil law; and the medical exception to the criminal law. This article discusses current concepts in consent in trauma; and also considers the perhaps less well known medical exception to the Offences against the Person Act 1861, which exempts surgeons from criminal liability as long as they provide ‘proper medical treatment’. Cite this article:
The cost of clinical negligence in the UK has continued to rise despite no increase in claims numbers from 2016 to 2019. In the US, medical malpractice claim rates have fallen each year since 2001 and the payout rate has stabilized. In Germany, malpractice claim rates for spinal surgery fell yearly from 2012 to 2017, despite the number of spinal operations increasing. In Australia, public healthcare claim rates were largely static from 2008 to 2013, but private claims rose marginally. The cost of claims rose during the period. UK and Australian trends are therefore out of alignment with other international comparisons. Many of the claims in orthopaedics occur as a result of “failure to warn”, i.e. lack of adequately documented and appropriate consent. The UK and USA have similar rates (26% and 24% respectively), but in Germany the rate is 14% and in Australia only 2%. This paper considers the drivers for the increased cost of clinical negligence claims in the UK compared to the USA, Germany and Australia, from a spinal and orthopaedic point of view, with a focus on “failure to warn” and lack of compliance with the principles established in February 2015 in the Supreme Court in the case of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board. The article provides a description of the prevailing medicolegal situation in the UK and also calculates, from publicly available data, the cost to the public purse of the failure to comply with the principles established. It shows that compliance with the Montgomery principles would have an immediate and lasting positive impact on the sums paid by NHS Resolution to settle negligence cases in a way that has already been established in the USA. Cite this article:
With the established success of the National
Joint Registry and the emergence of a range of new national initiatives for
the capture of electronic data in the National Health Service, orthopaedic
surgery in the United Kingdom has found itself thrust to the forefront
of an information revolution. In this review we consider the benefits
and threats that this revolution poses, and how orthopaedic surgeons
should marshal their resources to ensure that this is a force for
Stable fractures of the ankle can be safely treated
non-operatively. It is also gradually being recognised that the integrity
of the ‘medial column’ is essential for the stability of the fracture.
It is generally thought that bi- and tri-malleolar fractures are
unstable, as are pronation external rotation injuries resulting
in an isolated high fibular fracture (Weber type-C), where the deltoid
ligament is damaged or the medial malleolus fractured. However,
how best to identify unstable, isolated, trans-syndesmotic Weber
type-B supination external rotation (SER) fractures of the lateral
malleolus remains controversial. We provide a rationale as to how to classify SER distal fibular
fractures using weight-bearing radiographs, and how this can help
guide the management of these common injuries. Cite this article:
The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board wants either ‘run through’ or ‘uncoupled’ orthopaedic training to be adopted throughout the United Kingdom but it is not willing to let both continue together as is the current situation. This annotation explores the argument for and against ‘run through’ training.
More than a million hip replacements are carried out each year worldwide, and the number of other artificial joints inserted is also rising, so that infections associated with arthroplasties have become more common. However, there is a paucity of literature on infections due to haematogenous seeding following dental procedures. We reviewed the published literature to establish the current knowledge on this problem and to determine the evidence for routine antibiotic prophylaxis prior to a dental procedure. We found that antimicrobial prophylaxis before dental interventions in patients with artificial joints lacks evidence-based information and thus cannot be universally recommended.