The Delto-pectoral approach is the workhorse of the shoulder surgeon, but surprisingly the common variants of the cephalic vein and deltoid artery have not been documented. The vascular anatomy encountered during one hundred primary elective delto-pectoral approaches was documented and common variants described. Two common variants are described. A type I (71%), whereby the deltoid artery crosses the interval and inserts directly in to the deltoid musculature. In this variant the surgeon is unlikely to encounter any vessels crossing the interval apart from the deltoid artery itself. In a type II pattern (21%) the deltoid artery runs parallel to the cephalic vein on the deltoid surface and is highly likely to give off medial branches (95%) that cross the interval, as well as medial tributaries to the cephalic vein (38%). Knowledge of the two common variants will aid the surgeon when dissecting the delto-pectoral approach and highlights that these vessels crossing the interval are likely to be arterial, rather than venous. This study allows the surgeon to recognize these variations and reproduce bloodless, safe and efficient surgery